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"A kind heart and soul with a broken past"

Narrator's point of view

"So..you been here for a weeks y/n chan???" Suma ask the girl while the four of them are walking towards the casita , y/n nods "mhm.. It is suma san " she said then makio spoke up "then..where are you staying..?? The la Casita???" She ask , the girl shake her head as a no "i live with the one who save me , theyre really nice..especially when i say nezuko is not a human..papa De la cruz and her daughter cecilia accept us.." She said making the three of them look at each other "waittt..?? Save you?? What happened???" Hinaratsu ask worried , " when oyakata sama send me to do solo mission , i got poison and it was night i fainted due to the poison spread to my body , good thing papa de la cruz,.. The one who save me brings me here , in encanto..in his home..so..im really thankful to him if he didnt found me outside i would be eaten by some demons " she explain to the girls.. '..y/n..' Hinaratsu thought "but!! Im glad y/n chan!!!! But im confused also!!! Why would oyakata sama send you alone???" Suma said yelling only to be hit by makio in the head "lower your voice down idiot!!" "Ita!!!" Meanwhile y/n and hinaratsu look at them sweat droping "..y/n???" Makio said as the girl looks at her "hmm??" the girl hummed "isnt..this..near to your old home..??". She ask which suma look at her " why would you make her remember that makio san?!! So mean!!!!"she said yelling Again "urusaiii!!!!" "Ita!!!!!" "Whoa!! Calm down makio!!!" Hinaratsu said trying to calm down the girl and did i say it to you??? The three of them got curios about the 15 years old girl's past and out of nowhere they ask her straight fowardly , good thing y/n being a kind girl she said to them what happened when she was 13.

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"Suma..calm down now , you too makio, were in front of la Casita now " hinaratsu said to them while y/n look at them eyes dotted 'hinaratsu san is like a..baby sitter..' She thought "casita!! Hola!!!! This is us!! Hinaratsu, makio and suma!!! Were here to deliever something to mrs madrigal alma" hinaratsu said while looking at the door , then the door opens "thank you casita, and y/n is with us too dont worry " she said as y/n smile and wave to the casita "hello casita" she waved "lets go now" y/n nods.

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"Camilo wants some seconds again " mirabel said "of course he is " isabella said agreeing to her little sister "now the two of you ganging up on me??? Not fair" camilo pouts while the other laughs then casita moves her tiles "hmm?? What is it casita???" Abuela alma said as the others are confused then a girl with a long hair and ponytail showed up followed by three girls "y/n???" Mirabel said , she looks at her and wave smiling "mrs madrigal this is the special delievery for you" hinaratsu said smiling "special???" Jullieta said while alma smile "thank you hinaratsu, im glad it came..it was been broken because of what happened to casita before " she said "y/n channn??? You know one of the madrigals???" Suma ask while all of them are focus to y/n "u-uhmmm.. Hai!!! desu!! Suma san!! I know them!!!" "Ohh..wakata..now i understand it" suma said "shut it suma" an irk appear in makio's forehead and slap her back , as the others sweat drop a bit , hinaratsu laugh nervously "ehehe..heres the delievery " she said as she give the object while abuela takes it and mutter a thank you as she proceed to open it only to be a portrait of her mi vida pedro madrigal , mirabel's abuelo "thank you..very much for fixing it you three" she said as small tears appear in her eyes , the three of uzui's wives smiles at her "your welcome mrs madrigal " the three of them said at the same time , "y/n chann!!!" Suma hugs the girl " do you want to go outside??? " she ask making y/n looks at her confused while hinaratsu sigh "no suma , she cant go outside..oyakata sama said it right???" She said making the madrigals confused 'oyakata sama..?? Whos that???' They thought while they watch suma frown and pouts while hugging her "aww!!!! Waruiii!!!! Thats too meannn!! I wanna spend time with her!!!!" "Quit it suma!!!! Your not a kid anymore!!!" Makio said angerly "m-makio san!!! Dont worry!!! Please dont fight again!!" Y/n said waving her hands , hinaratsu look at he madrigals and sigh "forgive me if you have to all witness this..suma is sometimes like this , especially when she got more closer to y/n " ehhh!!! Makio san so mean!!! Y/n is my kohai you know!!" She said "she's not idiot!!!" Suma got hit in the head again "e-ehhh?!! Makio sann!!! Yameroo!!!! Onegai!!!!" Y/n said panically hinaratsu once sigh more "you two!!! Stop it!!! This is emberassing!!! And your making y/n got involve in your mess " she saud as she take y/n away from suma "are you okay???" Y/n nod "hai.. Im okay hinaratsu san " she smiled as the girl smiled too "we need to go now..suma makio do you want to get uzui san mad again????" She ask the girls stop and look at her "no..." The two of them said "good..now we have to get going..y/n..always take care okay...??? Dont get too..you know in trouble.. Hehe you know what i mean" she said making y/n nod "haii!!! Desu!!!!" Y/n then looks at the madrigals and bow respectfully "im so sorry if we intrude your breakfast!!" She said while hinaratsu bow next to her too "yes..were so sorry for intruding you, we be going now..y/n.." She said and pat the girl's head while y/n looks at her "please.. Be careful as always".. She said making uzui's two wives looks at her again with a jealousy this time the two of them shout " we want to pat her too!!!" The two of them said and both of them pat y/n's head this made y/n smiled while the madrigals are watching the wholesome moment there having right now 'so..precious!!! ' pepa thought as rainbows appear in her head aking the madrigals look at her surprised.

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After the four of them left the casita , uzui's wives say a goodbye to the girl while leaving she then starts walking in the village when "y/n!! Over here!!!!" She look behind her to see mirabel " ohh!!! Hey mirabel!!!! What brings you here??? Do you want me to answer something??? " she said "nooo!!!... Uhhh---.. Yes.." She said smiling to her nervously "ohh!!!--" she was cut off "y/n dear!!! Can you help me a bit???" A man said "ohh!!! Ill just wait y/n!!!go ahead " are you sure??? " she ask mirabel nods and smiles at her "okay then!!! Thank you mirabel!!!" She said as mirabel looks at her surprised , because she carried two cement in her shoulder while two sacks of rice in her other shoulder either "w-whoa.." She mutter in shock "..never knew we have this young version of luisa" she giggle as she watch her carry heavy things.

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"Thank you dear" the man said to her which y/n nod "no problem mister take care!!!" She said and walk towards mirabel " i never knew your the younger version of my sister luisa!!!" Mirabel said surprised y/n good giggled at her "thank you for the compliment mirabel!!!!" She smiled at her and remember something "ohh!! Right!! Mirabel!! You want to ask me something right???" She ask as mirabel nod and looks at her"yeah!! I almost totally forgot about that!!!" She said "so..what do want to--" she was cut off by the curly haired girl "lets go!!! Not here!!! Too crowdy!!! I know a perfect place!!!!" She said as she pull the girls hand, not too tight "e-ehhh??? Too crowdy???" She ask as the two of them start to run ' a perfect place..?? ' the girl said frowning while having a dotted eyed face as she hears mirabel said

"At the secret place i been visited when i need some alone time!!".

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" so...your secret place is..the forest..??" She ask eyes dotted while mirabel nod "mhm!! It is!!!" She smiled at her "ohh!!! So , what do you wanna talk about????" She ask , mirabel looks at her "if you dont mind y/n.. Who's.. Rokuta????" She ask making the girls eyes widen "e..ehh..???" She mutter "n-no!!! Its just.. Dolores.. When she hears everything.. She will tell it..she cant keep a secrets..so..when she hear you..cry..last night..so camilo keep bugging her to tell it to him..because her expression..was sad.." She trailed off "..." Y/n didnt respond and look at the ground frowning Should.. I???..i meant.. If i didnt said it..its gonna be more awkward and suspicious..' She thought frowning more , meanwhile mirabel notice the silent of the girl.. Its the first time she saw her act like this , y/n is sometimes talkative, carefree girl and she always look straight at the eye..but this time..it was different..'did i make her uncomfortable?? Of course you do mirabel!! Look at her!! She's looking at the ground.. She never act like this before..aaa!!!! Now you done it!!! Good job mirabel.. Goood jobbbb!!!' She thought to herself sadistically and feeling a wave if guilt wash towards her.. "Y/n..im so sorry--" she was cutt off by her "n-no!!! Its okay mirabel!!!! No need to apologize.." "Are you sure??? Your pretty uncomfy right now.." She trailed off , y/n looks at her and smile softly at her , but this time..mirabel looks at her...it was not a fake or the same smile she use to wear , "y/n..??" She ask as she heard her sigh.. "Mirabel.. Rokuta was my little brother.." She said "o-oh..." "he's about age of antonio.. When..something happened.. That..not suppose to be..normal.." She start to explain "i cry last night because me and him use to be watching the stars together every night.." She looks at her "but.." Mirabel looks confused , "..but what???" She ask the girl '..i know that dolores hearing this..but hiding my past..is not good' "but..i broke the promise.. I broke the promise we had.." She frowned this made mirabel frown either "y/n..." "The promise..that ill never leave his side..i broke it mirabel.. His big sister broke the promise they had.." Tears form from the girl's eyes which been notice by mirabel who looks at her shock eyes " i didnt save him..all of them.." 'Save..??? What did she mean???' She thought looking at the poor girl "if i didnt go to sell some coals this wouldnt happened...that would have happened... Im a bad big sister mirabel.." Tears slip from her eyes this made mirabel panick "Mirabel.. I-" she was cut off by the girl
"w-woahh!! no need to answer my question if its making you uncomfortable-" she was cut off but the next sentence make her shock and frowned "my family..had been murdered all of them by an unknown creatures (demon) when i was age of 13.. all of them slaughter in one night.." She said explaining all mirabel falls in silent.. Looking at her shock "...What???.." Thats the words only came out in her voice..


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