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"No matter how cruel the world can be get up , rise up , never give up!"

Narrator's point of view
'It hurts..' The girl thought.. Why did this happen..to her family especially the girl was walking towards the thick snow while carrying her injured sister along her back blood drip downnto the poor girls forehead while y/n was freezing 'it hurts..my lungs hurts i cant breath properly due to the snow right now' she thought 'the air is too thin..i cant breath that much' she said to herself trying to walk out to the thick snow she spoke "Dont worry nezuko!!! Ill save you!!!! Your big sister will save you!!!!", suddenly she heard an growl in her back she got confused and look behind and..see her sister growling..??? No pupils in her eyes strong pointy big fangs y/n look at her sister shock while in nezuko was struggling to get out to her back, the girl panick " nezuko no--" but it was too late nezuko had pulled her along down falling down in the cliff she shout 'am i gonna die?!!'

**✿❀ ❀✿**

"Mirabel!!!!!" Camilo shout at her cousin, "huh- what????" She said after she flinch "you seem in deep thought .. Wahts wrong??? " he said a little worried for his prima "nothing its just.." She sigh and looks at his primo " when were near outside encanto..do you see a person?? Before we left " she said to him only earning an confused look "huh-?? No-- ohhhh!!!!! Yeah!!! I saw an girl???.. I dont know she had an weird clothing!!" He said to his prima "so it was a girl!!!!!!!" She said excitedly " i knew ittt!!!! Theres more people living outside!!" The curly haired boy laugh at her prima"of course theres gonna be have more people prima!!!"

"...not funny ill say to mama that no more seconds for you"

" huhhh--- waittt What?!! You cant do that!!!!!"

" yes i can "

"W-what-- primaaa!!!!! Mirabel wait you cant do that!!!!"

**✿❀ ❀✿**

'Arggghhh..' She groaned and open "huh-- i survived?!!!" She thought and quickly get up 'ohh..i been save by an snow ' she thought then suddenly "waittt... Nezuko?!!!!" She shout and stands up "nezuko?!! Where are you nezuko?!! Nezuko!!!!' She shout and looks around and surprisingly see her younger sister standing not far away from her , she quickly run towards her sigh in relief " nezuko!! Im glad your Okay!!! Tell me..where is it hurts??" She said and holds her shoulder...Wrong move "nezuko..??" She said and suddenly her eyes widen when her sister is gonna about to pounce her to the ground good thing she block it with an ax but she still struggle to calm her little sibling down her eyes more widen and scared when nezuko finally pounce her down 'nezuko?!!! N-no..way..' She thought looking at her sisters face with an confused yet scared expression she looks at her younger sister's eyes a fade pink..not the soft gaze anymore..an big pointy fangs and she keeps drooling?? And growling, 'her scent..its different than before' she said to herself while.looking at her sister.. 'Shes..' 'Shes a demon!!!'she thought while looking at her sister who was growling and drooling 'if i hadnt..leave then this wouldnt happened..'she thought and starts to frown as her eyes starts to soften..'its my fault if i didnt leave at the house..you would be alive nezuko..' Blaming herself "Nezuko!!!! Please!! Do your best nezuko!!! I know you can do it nezuko!!! I know it!!!" Tears starts to form in her eyes " im so sorry for being a bad sister to you!!!! Please.. Nezuko!!!!!" She shout while closing her eyes but you can hear the pain in her voice just then..'huh???' The girl feel an cold wet like an water in her cheeks she open her eyes to see an sadness in her siblings eyes..nezuko..was crying.. Y/n look at her siblings frowning more "nezuko--Nezuko watch out!!!!!!!" She said and low her little sisters body that leaves her hair was cut into half, snow was startled,when she open her eyes she saw a man but older than her wearing an haori with different patterns in the other side blue ocean dull like eyes stare at her while she calms down nezuko " why are you protecting that demon?" The man started to speak, she look at her sibling who was struggling to get out on her grasp "n-no!!!! She never harm anyone!!!! Please spare her!!! Shes the only one who survive in my family!!" She said shouting , the man only stare at her "demons are once humans when there skin flesh was cut and a demon blood suddenly goes inside the flesh that leaves her to turn into a demon" he said as he start to run towards her, y/n was able duck down with her sister but she was shock that her sibling was not in her arms anymore 'what.shock She thought then she hears whine and growling she look up to see the man was holding her sister in one hand the man pointed his katana towards the girl "demon is demon what if shes the one who slaugther your family? You never knew" he said coldly she frown 'if only i didnt left..this wouldnt happen..' She thought and suddenly bow in respect her face was near in the snow her breathing was heavy and tears start to fall from the poor girl's eyes..
"P-please..spare her..dont kill my sister..shes the only one left alive..im begging you.. Please.." You can almost hear the sadness , pain and suffering she went through the man was staring at her shadow casting in his eyes while her younger sister stare at her..but her gaze was soft.." Why are you crying?!!!! Do you think crying and begging will bring your sister back to human?!!!" The man snap while the girl in front of her looks up tears falling from her eyes and she was shock ' dont cry..' The man thought ' dont just look at me like that.. Fight.Dont cry in despair.theres no point of doing that..get up..get up!!!!!!!!' He thought looking at her while katana moves pointing it to her sibling "if you want to save her fight!!!!!!" He said shouting as she stab her younger sister near her shoulder , nezuko cry in pain "nooooo!!!!!!stoppp!!!!" Y/n shout as she pick up a stone and throw towards him which he block with his katana the girl get up and run in circles throwing more rocks at him she shout in anger , when she was near in front of them the man quikly knock her out with his katana the 13 year old girl fall from the ground unconsious , 'hmm..What-' he looks up to see the ax was running towards him good thing he manage to swung his head in the side the man was left shock.

'How did she..'

"So, i think this is the begining of her own story."


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