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" A tour around town, and madrigals?"

Narrator's point of view

Its been 3 days the girl's been resting in the bed trying to regain her energy back, Well shes not alone though every hour shes been visited by cecilia and her father cecilia is great kind child in y/n's opinion shes the jolly full of energy kid when shes talking happily with her...Man..this reminds of her little sibling rokuta..

**✿❀ ❀✿**

"Y/n!!! Y/nnn!!!!!!" The girl enters to y/n's room wheres the girl is staying " ohh hello there cecilia i hope your having a fun day " y/n said to girl as she pat her little head , the giggle " mhm!! I have!!" She said happily to her that made y/n giggle at her cute motion just then, cecilia's father come in, "ohh i hope your okay now mi mija " he said , she nod " mhm i am now mister, all thanks to you and cecilia " she said and smile "well if your okay now you can come out in this room and explore around the town!!!" The man said to her,

'Explore..around the town encanto...?'

**✿❀ ❀✿**

Y/n was outside the town and she was so shock, A lot of people was laughing, talking and having fun!! While the kids are walking , playing and running happily she start walking around while wearing some long black pants , a big size t-shirt and a dark green ruana who has an a little lizard pattern on it, she look around with an curious eyes 'i guess theres no problem here..no demons attaking them..' She thought,

"My cousin dolores can hear this chorus from miles away !!!"

"What about mirabel???"

Y/n only stare a bunch of kids surrounding a girl around her age singing nervously she Then see cecilia with the kids who was following the girl ' c-cecilia!!!' She thought panically then run towads the kids,

"Ohh..mirabel didnt get one " the girl with red bow said as she sqeak in the end and continue her walk and all of the kids look at the girl with an green eye glasses 'didnt get one..?? What did she mean?' She said while frowning because once the girl with red bow that she didnt get one she smell a sadness around her, y/n never pays attention to what theyre saying and was about to call cecilia then,
"Maybe your gift was in denial.."

'Ehh-? Gift in denial???' She thought about for a second and shrug "ohh excuse me mija " she look behind to see an man holding a big box "ohh forgive me " she said and get out of the way, the man nods at her then talk to the green eye glass girl about something and then quickly goes away , she look at the curly haired girl who was frowning a bit.. ' poor girl..what made her so sad like that..no time y/n!!!' She thought then call the two braided haired girl " cecilia!!! Your papa was finding you!! " y/n said sweetly to the girl that even caught by an other kids attention and the curly haired girl attention "ohh!! Y/nn!!!!! Okay then!!! But!! Dont go home yet!! Theres so much more to explore from!! Bye² y/n!!" The girl said and wave Goodbye " okay i will cecilia.. Just be careful okay mi mija?" She said to her that mad cecilia giggle "whoaa!! You use ' mi mija ' !!!" Cecilia said happily then hugs her legs before waving goodbye, 'such a sweet girl..'she thought while smiling softly at cecilia who was walking away "hey!!!! Whoa!!! I never see you before here in encanto!!! Waittt.. You must be an outsider!!!!! Tell me ?? Whats your name?? Whats outside looks like????"she was startled because of the curly haired girl's question " ohh- uhmm well its not different from here but theres more people outside when its day too!! And really quiet when its night!!!! And yes i am a outsider " y/n said to her , " never knew outside encanto will be more interesting" she said Again " i actually dont know that this place called Encanto is real.." Y/n said to her which made the girl look at her confused "oh?? you dont know this place?? encanto is an magical place full of kind and helpful people!! im Mirabel by the way!!! an madrigal!! if your Dont know cause your an outsider,Madrigals have an power well more like an called gift" she said to her which made y/n look surprised.. " power..???" She said "mhm!!! Ohh!! Well lets talk again tomorrow night!!! Theres an party here inside the la casita!!! Go with mister dela cruz!! I meant cecilia's father and cecilia herself!!! See you uhh--" "y/n..Y/n kamado!!!" Y/n said to her "ohh!!! Kamado..?? Weird odd last name..okay!!! Bye!! See you tomorrow y/n" she said and finally left.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

"How was your time while going around the encanto mi mija?" Mister de la cruz or cecilia's father said to the girl "ohh!!! It was nice!! I never knew theres so many people around having fun!!!" The girl said excitedly the man chuckle "just wait when its night, theres more people having fun when its night outside especially tomorrow is gonna be antonio's birthday party and madrigals are gonna get a gifted child again...well i hope so.." The last word was rather sad tone "what do you mean hope so?" She said to de la cruz , the man look at her then smiled " you will know soon mi mija for now after you eat lunch you can continue wandering around encanto because theres a lot of work im gonna do" he said to her " Can i help you about your other works mister de la cruz?" "Ohh no mija you dont need to i just want you to just enjoy around encanto but after a few days i maybe can let you help me with my works " he said to the girl while standing from his seat then walk outside the kitchen,"hmm.." She hummed "maybe..i can clean the whole house!! Thats it!!" She said smiling softly 'he reminds me of...papa..'


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