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" Babysitting with a madrigal and comfort"

Narrator's point of view
Y/n was only walking around the plaza,
' i wonder what zenitsu san and inosuke san dping right now..' Y/n was missing her two friends outside thinking about it is making her more miss her friends outside so much she frowned, then suddenly " hello hermosa!!~ " ' wait that voice..that must be .. ' "ohh!! Hello camilo!! " she smiled at him , camilo looks at her ' she's even more beautiful when she smile..' He thought as he smiling back " say can you help me??? Im kinda stuck at baby sitting and theres a 5 of them!! I cant take care of them all!" He complains , y/n looks at him and smiled again " of course!! You kinda seem exhausted , so you can sit over there i can take care of them " she said to him " are you sure you can handle them???? Alone??" He thought tilting his head y/n nod " mhm!! Now just relax" camilo did what y/n say sit and relax "ohh!! Five of them whats uour names?? Im y/n!!! You can call me that name!! " the kids smiled as the others giggle at her " ohh!! Im maria!!" Said by a girl with a short hair " i am leora!!! And this is my sibling teresa!!!" Said by an another girl with a low pigtail as she pointed the brown haired girl beside her which smile at y/n , she looked at the two more kids " how about you two? Can i know your names?" " ohh!!! That is miguel and marchalito!!!" Camilo said to her " theyre kinda shy because your a girl but be careful hermosa~!! Dont fall for their tricks!! " camilo said to her " so what do you want to play??" " were kinda tired .., because camilo and us play hide and seek , andd!! Tag!!!" Teresa said to her, y/n think for a bit "hmm..how about you five sit near me and i will tell you what outside of encanto looks like?? Cause im a outsider afterall" when camilo heard her, he quickly stand up and goes beside her " i wanna hear that story of yours mi vida, so you wanna hear it too right guys??" he said making them shout in happiness , y/n only smile at him and the kids, "okay!!! Lets start!!! Well..".

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" whoaaa!!! Thats so awesome!!! I never knew theres more people outside encanto!!!!"
"Anddd!!! Its bigger than encanto too!!!! I wish we can go outside"
" mhm" y/n was looking at the five of them smiling while frowning a bit ' i wish..you knew how world works outside encanto..' She thought " y/n!!" She snap out of her thoughts " ohh is there something wrong camilo?" Y/n looks at him "ohh!! Yeah!! Mhm!! Im doing fine!!!" She said to him " are you sure..?? You seem..sad.."camilo looking at her frowning "kidsss!!! Its time to go home now!!!!" They look at the adults waiting for there children " aww already??? " "nooo!! I wanna hear more story from y/n!!! " mhm²" y/n looks at them and said " ohh!!! Its okay!!! We can continue it tomorrow!! I promise and its gonna fun!! For now listen to your parents , they miss you all im sure of it " she said as the kids go towards there parents before walking away then she look at camilo " thank you for worrying about me Camilo.. But im really okay!!!" This made camilo frown more " hermosa..i know that theres something wrong.." He said looking at her '..so he notice..'she sigh and look at him " im just..missing my friends outside encanto..i mean..its been a while since i have go outside.." She said making him sad..' Ohh...she misses them huh' " Dont worry hermosa!!! Im sure they miss you too!! Of course!! But..why you go outside and visit them..???" He said to her '..if i only can..but i cant..' " i..i have my own reasons camilo..theres a important reason why i cant leave this wonderfull town..besides!! I made many friends here too!!! That includes you!!!" She said to him making camilo looks at her surprised yet he feels mariposas in his stomach but the word 'friend' that came out of her mouth makes him..sad..??? Dissapointed..??? But why???..camilo was thinking deep while y/n keep calling his name "camilo???..camilo!!..hey!! Is there something i say?? You seem distracted..camilo?? Whats wrong..???" Camilo was finally out of her thoughts "u-uh ohh uhm!! Theres nothing wrong mi vida!!! But i know you see them when the right time comes!!! I know it!! " camilo smiled y/n looking at him and smiled " thank you camilo!!! That comfort me!! Your really nice!! Your not just a jolly madrigal..your really helpfull and kind madrigal too!!! " y/n pat his head he flinch when she do that to her..i mean her?!! Patting him??? Oh my goshh!!! That made his cheeks heat up a bit " u-uh your welcome hermosa!! After all!! I!! Camilo madrigal will do anything and everything to make people happy!!!" He said proudly at her '..will do anything.. And everything to make other...happy..?? But...what about him..is he..' Y/n stop patting his head " camilo..are you..happy..??i mean you make people happy but you must have a time for yourself too!! To make yourself happy!! " that made Camilo's eyes widen "...i.." Y/n suddenly frown.."y..you..your not happy arent you..??" She said camilo wave his hands "what?!! No²!!! Not like that!! Im happy too!! But..no one cares about it.." He looks down at his feet feeling emberrased "..everyone needs me!! Well i guess not me!!! Though.. Its because.. I can shapeshift!!! I can turn to people they want!!! Sometimes im worried too you know if i shapeshift too much i maybe forget myself..my appearance.. Did my nose are right shape?? Am i too tall?? Too small??? Is my hair too long?? Or too short??.. Its just.. Im afraid that one day..i forget my own appearance because of shapeshifting too much..just for others needs..if i didnt help them as someone else..ill be useless.. Ill be just a mess so..i cant let them down..im camilo madrigal!!! The jolly helpfull madrigal!!! The madrigal who are..making other people happy!!!" He said explaining all to her..y/n was looking at him frowning " camilo-" " ohh!!! Haha!!! Sorry mi vida!!! I make things awkward right now, im really so sorry.. I think..i should go now-"he was cut off by y/n hugging her , his eyes suddenly widen "..i knew it..theres something wrong..its okay camilo..you can let it out..its okay to be sad sometimes , i know that your making people happy.. But dont forget about yourself..your important okay?? Your feelings..everything..Your a amazing person!! A kind and helpfull one but just dont forget about yourself camilo dont worry im here beside you..if you need comfort you can call me and ill comfort you..thats whats are friends for." She said while hugging him brushing his brown curly hair..Camilo was stunned when she said that..that someone finally understand what his feelings are important just for once '..y/n..' He hugs back burrying his face in the crook of her neck and it seems y/n dont mind she just keep stroking and brushing his brown curly hair , this comforts him this made him feel safe..for once he feels like an child wanting a comfort from someone.. "Shh..camilo..its okay to cry let it out" she said ' huh..??' He didnt even notice that his eyes start to water , he couldnt stop it anymore he starts to sob and cry , good thing theres no one walking other people are inside theyre home the others are in the plaza for once he never meet someone who's gonna comfort and make him feel safe ' this is so emberassing yet..comforting' he thought to himself , after a 20min of sobbing and y/n hugging her camilo stop crying and hugging her " thank you for comforting me y/n..im really happy now..for real thanks to you hermosa~ " he said making y/n smile at her ' looks like hes back now im happy for him ' " no need to thank you me camilo!! You need comfort!! Its okay!!!" Y/n smiled brightly at her, camilo smiles back at her " well its getting late now hermosa!!! See you tomorrow!!! And thank you again..so much.." He said waving a goodbye to the girl " okay camilo!!! Have a good evening!! And mhm!!! See you tomorrow!! " she said smiling while waving back.

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*meanwhile with camilo*
Camilo was walking towards the casita smiling happily ' her smile really suits her ' he thought still smiling when he enters the casita her mom was there "ohh!! Hola mami!!!" He said to her "ohh!! Hola mi mijo, say..is something happen..?? You seem happy?" She said to her son she cant help but notice the weird behaviour of her son " nothing mami!! Im just happy today..well someone.. " he mumbles the last words this make pepa's eyebrow risen " mhm..??? Are you-" she was caught by a bell "ohh its dinner are you coming camilo?" She said , camilo only nod and smile at her " of course mami ".

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*With dolores*
She hear everything what y/n said to her hermano this made her smile and feel happiness inside ".. Thank you for being there with my hermano y/n..im sure your 'family' is proud to have a wonderfull daughter like you"she said before going downstairs.


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