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"Cleaning around the house!! Then training!!"

Narrator's point of view
After mister de la cruz left y/n was starting to clean the whole house , doing laundry , sweeping outside , polishing the floor and watering the flowers and after 5 hours of working shes done cleaning the house and wow..the house so clean..then suddenly "im home now-- whoaa!!!!!! Huh-??!" Mister de la cruz was so shock to see his house was so cleaner than before..but how??? "Papa im home!!!!-- whoaaa!!!!!! The house is so cleanerrr than ever!!" Cecilia said excitedly and happy just then y/n walk out of the kitchen "welcome home mister de la cruz cecilia!!! I cook some food!!!" Y/n said smiling softly "y-..you did this..??? All of this..??? " he said to her and then she nod " i rather repay your kindness than walking around encanto today...besides!! I can do that tomorrow with cecilia!!! Lets go eat dinner now" that made mister de la cruz heart soften and he knows that this girl is a hardworking girl "yayy!!! Lets go papa lets eatt!!!" Cecilia said then while pulling his papa's arm the man smiled and chuckle at her daughter "okay then lets go!".


*Morning*4:30 am
Y/n get up early as she start cooking breakfast, after that she change her clothes into a short pants a big shirt which given by de la cruz and the ruana she notice that ruana is only wear by teen boys but y/n doesnt really like to wear dresses so she rather wear a comfortable clothes for training, when shes done she close the door quietly then starts to walk up the mountain near encanto.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

*In the mountain*

" breath calmly..just calm down yes there y/n calm-- ackkk!!!!!!" She falls down and coughs some blood yupp she was still trying to how to control her fire breathing 'how can i use this breathing when i cant even handle it!!!' She thought to herself, and then she start to stand up and breath calmly trying to control her breathing.

She swung her katana back and forth,
"984..985!!!! 986.." She mutter.

"Haaa...calm down..calm down..Aaa!!! I am the water and fire!!!" She said trying to meditate while sitting in the rock water rushing down to her..yeah..shes under waterfall she found near the mountain" i am the waterrr aaaaaa--nezuko--..." She was cutt off by the water finally push her in the water under her.

*After 4 hours*

Its almost 8 in the morning when y/n finally done with her training, but she only do 50 more pushups before going down from the mountains, good thing she left a note before going to the mountains.. She suddenly remember that how cecilia's father react that nezuko was in the box and..he knows that shes isnt a human..her occupation that she's a hunter..not just some hunter, shes a Demon slayer.

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"What do you mean not a human mi mija..??" De la cruz said to her the girl look at him with a sad but nervous gaze "mister de la cruz please.. Dont freak out.." She said as she took the wooden box and gently unclock then open it "nezuko..its night here..you can come out " she said as de la cruz suddenly flinch when the box move " what-" he didnt continue his saying when she saw a young girl goes outside the box he looks at the girl with shock eyes she notice that she have a light faded pink roundy eyes a long black hair that it ends to color brown a black haori and a somewhat rather a strange dress who was known a kimono , the only noticable here is that the girl have a bamboo muzzle stuck on her mouth he backs away terrified when the girl stand up and grow for like four or five inch tall the girl with muzzle lools at her curiously then notice her sibling, she quickly looks at her sister then she suddenly hugs her humming happily "w-what?".." Mister de la cruz" the girl started "she never harm anyone..shes a demon..And i am a Demon hunter who kills demon, but nezuko is different from the other demon i kill" she said to her and frowns " i hope your not mad at me mister de la cruz , im so sorry for not saying it to you.." She finish saying to her , the man only stare at her and her 'demon' sister then he suddenly smile softly towards the 15 year old girl "its okay mi mija i understand you" the man spoke softly "r-really???" The man chuckle "of course its okay i know that the other outsider might think that demons are bad and cruel..but.." He pats both of the girls head " i know that shes harmless seeing from what im witnessing right now.. Nezuko is a good demon , im just really happy that your such a hardworking girl.. You will do anything just for others safety..im maybe not your father but..im really proud of you mi mija ." the man finish saying to her, this made her eyes feel stingy and wet she was crying, she was happy that even she showed her sister that shes a demon , the love and care of mister de la cruz for her never change , until nezuko walk towards mister de la cruz and looks at him , this made him confused and was startled when nezuko suddenly hugs him while humming happily "e-ehhh?? What did i do?" The man said to her y/n giggle while wiping her tears "she maybe sees you as our papa mister de la cruz thank you so much " she said as he smiles and hugs the girl back "thank you nezuko" after that y/n tell to cecilia about nezuko too which made the little girl happy that shes not alone while y/n is busy cecilia finally have a another "big sister" .


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