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" In the dark theres light , in evil theres kindness "

Narrator's point of view

"Caww!!!!! Oyakata sama!!! Y/n kamado says that a case of death inside of the hiding village!! Caw!!! Its says that she didnt smell or sense nothing when that night happened caw!!! She's gonna investigate more caw!!!!" An man just look at the crow and smile as he pets it

"A first case..inside of the hidden village near the mountain.. A demon that cant be sense or smell..hmm.." He said and continue to pet the crow's head.

**✿❀ ❀✿**


A boy whined as his cries were loud "aaaaa!!!!! Its been like a year!!! Since i see nezuko chan and y/n chann!!!!!" He gets hit in the hit by a girl in pigtails "idiot its only been a 3 or four weeks!!!! Are you even drinking yiur medicine????" The girl also known aoi kanzaki has been shouting because of the loud screech made by yellowed haired boy also known zenitsu

Inosuke was keep staring at the sky wondering how are you been..??? Yup this boy was really worried if someone tries to kill you??? I mean..y/n ,inosuke and zenitsu he knows that the three of you are buddies , for him and zenitsu your like a sister to them..and the two of them are still worried about you and nezuko

Its true that inosuke is a boy who only cares killing demons and food ,but.. Y/n is really important for the two of them as they both remember whar she said 'i promise!!! Ill come back!!!' ' were buddies okay????'

Zenitsu only frown remembering those words coming out from the girl's mouth '..you said your coming back..right y/n chan..we miss you..' He thought '..were buddies right?..' Inosuke thought as cherry blossom petal fall fro his borehead mask.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

*Back to y/n*

"..why i still didnt sense it.." She said to herself as she sniffed the air again " thats weird...a new scent..???" She said 'smells..gasoline..' She jump to near tree while she hold her katana 'from..the ground..????'

Her eyes widen and pull her katana from her belt and cut the hand and it drops in front of her " my my~ a hunter??? Aww your cute!!! But..your the only one?? Too bad.." "It is my dear sister , she's the only one " " what a dissapointing sight..this is gonna be easy~"

'..three..demons?!!..they look the same..sister..???..are they..triplets???' She thought looking at them while excamining them , 'long hair..long pointy ears..slimey..hands..??? Scaly hands..what kind of demons are these???' She thought

"No time to chitchat im too hungry right now and our meal is waiting~" the other one said as they starts to attack three of them together "water breathing ..water wheel!!!!!" She said and cut the two hands of the demon

"Arghhhh!!!! You little pipsqueak!!!!! How dare you!!!!!?" The three growl in anger '..hmm..they have weakness when it comes to fighting..i know it!!!!' She thought , all of them strike once again attempting to scratch her , y/n quickly dodge "water..breathing tenth form.." She mumbles and run towards the three demons " constant flux!!!!" [Im so sorry i dont know the other forms..forgive me..]

Water dragon comes out from the girls katana and roars as she finds a thread '..where is it..!!!!!!--- wrong time--!!!' She thought and they succesfully scratch her shoulder ripping her haori, the three of them laugh as she dodge and swing the katana in the air "water breathing.." She breath calmly "striling tide!!!!!"

She swings down her katana and slash the one demon's shoulder as the other two got slash too.." Argghhh!!!!!" They cried

'..wait..i only slash that one demon's shoulder.. That means..they only connect in one body and thats the middle!!!!! Thats why..they attack in the same time..' She thought , she runs near the tree as the demons regenirate  and laughs "aww..looks like someone scared" one of them talk

'..if i have..--..wait..were in the middle of the...plaza..but..why no one..hears--..' Her eyes widen when she remembers what happened for the first victim "thats why.." She mumbles

"Theyre you are~" she got surprised and jump away from the three demon " i must say..your a great slayer..but..not that powerfull!!!!"

'They strike together all again!!!' She thought and adjust her katana "..water breathing..--..huh..???" She got surprised when one of them cried..the left one "..why i cant regenerate?!! Nee san!!!"

She cried , the two demons quickly goes near by her side " shhh..its okay sister.." The right demon one said as the middle one pat her head " dont worry..as soon as we take care if this pest im sure you be able to regenerate

'..what..????' She thought surprised looking at the three female demon comforting one another '..siblings..'

"..d..do we have to..??? You know.. Nee san..we were..just..force to do this.." She said making y/n confused '..force..?? Why..would.. Theres no time getting distract y/n!!!! ' she thought and goes back in the position

"..i know..but.." The middle one look at y/n in disgust " we have to kill her now!!!!" The two other demons look at her bit frowning "..i.." "..i dont wanna anymore.." This made y/n's eyes widen

'..this..feeling..its like ' " i just wanna be free!!!!!" The two demons cried the middle demon just stare at them shadiw casting in her eyes.. '..i smell..finally.. The middle one..she's.. Crying too..' She thought frowning but not letting her guard down

The next words came out in the demon's mouth made y/n's widen
"..kill me.." She said looking at her ,while the two of them just hugging each other.. "..what do you..--" " didnt you hear whati said?!!"

Y/n just stood there looking at her "just kill me..i.." She said and look behind her to see her sisters "..we just wanted to be free..we just force to do this by someone.. I cant say theyre name.."

'..muzan..' She grip her blade glaring at  her katana "so kill me..please.. Im begging you..kill me..we..dont want this anymore.. We just wanted to be free!!!" She shout tears streaming from the demon's eyes

Y/n run towards the demon and jump "..water breathing ..bless after the rain drought.." She close her eyes as the katana goes right in the demon's girl's neck..and it went through..slashing the demon's head

'..finally..were...free...at last..'
'All those years of hiding..'
'All  those years of waiting '

'..it didnt hurt...' She open her eyes to see y/n looking at them..with a sad expression and a gentle gaze 'those..eyes ' the three of them tdemon   'kind ones..'

"Thank you..so much.."

Y/n only stare at them with pity and sadness..they just want to be free  she kneel in front of them and put her hands together "may you have a wonderfull life in your next.." She said as the demon's turn into ashes.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

*Meanwhile with dolores*

When she hears all of it..she cant help but..cry a bit tears form in the corner of the girl's eyes..She look at the window and she smiled sofly.." She maybe a slayer but she had a big soft heart.." She said to herself and frown
"But..the world and faith are really against her..." She close her eyes

" she's really a kind girl..but with a broken past..".

(Im so sorry if the last breathing was wrong , please forgive me!! Im still a young writer and im so sorry for not updating for like 3 days??!! Omg!!! )

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