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"When like becomes love!!!"

Narrator's point of view

"I know!!! I shouldnt uhhh---.. Stay to that stair but it happened!!! I fell and hit my head..but im doing just fine now camilo, dont worry" the girl saod explaining why she have a bandage in her head

"But you know tia jullieta can make arepas and heal wounds right???" He ask the girl and she nod "mhm!! I know buti dont want to be in trouble!!!" She said

"..so..what you wanna do now??? He ask her " actually.. I really dont know either.. I was distracted a minute ago.. " she said as camilo look athe girl and smirk

"Oh my hermosa, perhaps you got distracted by my charming looks" he said smirking at her , y/n looks at his features and smiled

"Ehe.. I guess so!!! Your really are attractive!! No wonder!! I see many girls in our age looking at you with affection!!" She said as her eyes sparkled

"No wonder every girl in this village whose same age as us looking at you with affection" she repeat again making the boy flustered because how her eyes sparkled

Camilo doesnt care much if other girls where looking at him with affection because his attention is already been caught a certain girl..which is the one who's talking to him right now

"Well hermosa it seems many girls have a crush on me..heh..but i already set my eyes on someone" he mumbles which the girl heard it

"Ehh??? I wonder who is she is.." She said to him , camilo blush "since when did you have a good hearing like my hermana???" He ask which y/n looks at him dotted eyed.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

"Y/n!!! Im getting bored..can we do something..????" Camilo ask laying his head on the girl's shoulder

"..hmm hiw about babysitting--" she was cut off by him "no" he said making her giggle " then what you wanna do???" She ask , camilo sigh and remembers something

"Ohh!!! How about we go to the casita!!! And maybe i can show you my room!!! And promise mi vida its not a simple room!!!" He ask and stand up as he grab her hand and starts to run

"Camilo!!! Dont runn!!! We might trip over something!!!" She said worried , camilo laugh "dont worry mi amor.. I Wont let anything bad happen to you" he said smiling at her , this made y/n heart jump a bit

'..e-ehhh..??? Whats going on..' She they frowning feeling her heart do something weird "mi vida?? You okay???" Camilo ask while the two of them are running

"O-ohh!!! Im okay camilo!!! Lets go!!! Im getting curios too!!!" She said smiling softly at him..and yup this made camilo blush..again.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

"Mi vida calm down- ohh!!! Camilo mijo!!! Can you make your mami some tea- ohh..hello mija!!!" Felix said as she stare at the two of them

"Ohh!! Okay papi!!! Coming right up!!! Sorry y/n..mami is sometimes like that so we need her to calm down!!!" Camilo said to the girl

Y/n smiled "its okay camilo!!! I understand you..you.. Really love your mother arent you??" She giggled at the reaction he made

"H-huh?? Ohh yeah!!!! Of course i dearly love my mami so much!!!" He said happily y/n look at him "whoa..your really happy" she said

Camilo looks at her and smiles "ehhh????" "Nothing" she smiled at her "lets make a tea for your mami".

**✿❀ ❀✿**

" here you go mami..calm down take a deep breath.. Relax mami"camilo said comforting her mother , y/n looks at him dotted eyes "i never knew he's more caring.." This made felix look at her and smiled

"Ohh!! Yes mija..say..you never see him caring that much before?? Haha!! Maybe he was too busy flirting" his papa said "ohhh..haii..i notice that too he seems really use to flirting with someone.." She said looking at felix

"Hm..did he flirted with you then???" He ask y/n looks at him 'he seems interest if his son ever flirted with me" she answer

"Ohh!! I always notice that he flirts with me..though..i dont know why.." Dotted eyes looking at the ceiling , this made felix looks at her surprised

'..seems like my mijo got a dense one huh' he thought smiling "i think its just one of his habit right?? I mean many girls in our age seems really have a interest to your son" she said smiling

"..y/n..mija..please..Take care if my son.." He said making the girl look at her with a imaginary question mark "e-ehhh???? Ohh!!! Of course mr- i mean tio felix!!! I will take care of your son!!! Hes really a sweet guy!! Plus i never knew hes caring too!!!" She said loudly with a closed eyed smile

Camilo, pepa and felix looks at her surprised then the two parents looks at camilo who was really red from what the girl said , felix smirk at his son's reaction then smile to the girl

"Im glad mija!!! Thank you so muchh!!!" He said happily to the girl , which she returned with a smile " no need to thank me tio felix " she said to the man

"Hear that mijo??? You have finally someone whose gonna take care of you besides your mother and i!! Haha!!" Camilo put the cup down emberrased

"P-papi!!!!" Y/n only stare at the emberrased boy and laugh quietly "hmm???" She smell something.. And her eyes widen in fear "oh no.." She said this make the three look at the girl "whats wrong mija???" Pepa ask the girl "n-nothing tia pepa..can i excuse for a minute????" She said as she nods

"Thank you so much!!!" She bow and said "excuse me!!!!" She said and run towards the door and open it she close the door gently and starts to run again..

"..mijo..she's kinda dense isnt she???" Felix said to his son , camilo only laugh nervously "haha..yeahh..what-- ha?!! What do you mean papi???" He ask confused

"Ay...you idiota!!!" He got smack in back of his head "a-ayyy!!!!!!" He shout pepa only laugh at whats happening and said

"Your papi is right mijo..shes really dense but shes really sweet!!! Such an kind and carefree girl!! Just what i wanted to be a daughter in law!!!" Sje said happily , rainbow appear in the mother's head

"M-mami!!!!!" Poor camilo he cant take the teasing by his two parents "i...papi!! Why did you say that to her!!!" He said , felix only laugh "no need to emberrased mijo!!! I know you like her!!!" He said

"And..if that like..becomes love.." Pepa said to her son "..h-huhh?!! Mami!!! Why you too?!!!" "Y/n mija!! Shes such a wife material!!! Imagine..you having her as a wife!!!" Camilo was only standing there flustered '..like..becomes..to love???' He thought flustered

"Ahh!!! Stop teasing me mami!! Papi!!! This is emberassing!!!!!".


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