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"The truth about the girl's cruel past"

Narrator's point of view

"Mirabel.. Are you okay..??" Jullieta said as she watch her daughter zone out not touching her food, this notice by bruno too "kid?? You okay???" This made her go back to reality "o-ohh!!! Im so sorry!!!!! I was zone out!!!!" Mirabel said at panick which made the whole family look at her confused except dolores who hears y/n said earlier..everything who's only eating quietly "mirabel..?? Are you okay??" Antonio look at her prima worried "u-uhmmm.. Yeahh!! Ahaha!!!! Im doing fine!!! Just..thinking about something.." She said looking at her food this made her abuela frown "you seem deep in thought mija..are you sure theres nothing wrong about it..???" Mirabel looks at her abuela and nod slowly, "..yeah...im..okay.." 'my family..had been murdered all of them by an unknown creatures.. when i was age of 13.. all of them slaughter in one night..' She remembers y/n's words about her family.. This made her more frown..and especially this made the madrigals look at her worried "..i..uhhh---.. Im so sorry.." "Please.. Mirabel tell us whats wrong.. All of us are worried about you" she was hesitant, " i..dont know if i can say it to you.." She said making them confused "what do you mean prima??" Camilo ask confused , until dolores spoke up "..About.." They look at her so does mirabel "..about.. What????" Isabella said "...about.. Y/n's family.." She said while frowning and looking down..this made the whole table silent, "..ohhh...can..we know what happened????" Luisa ask really curios dolores was hesitant to say something too "is it something bad happened to her family..??" Felix ask.. Dolores only nod in response "ohhh..." Camilo mumble as he frown '..bad..?? What happened..???? ' he thought "c-..can we know???" Bruno said curios dolores and mirabel look at each other and sigh.. "Okay.. Y/n is not gonna say it if she want to keep it a secret, she knows that dolores will hear so..i think its okay.. I guess.." Mirabel said looking at her dolores sigh and said "yes theres..really something bad happened to her past..that she didnt expected to happen.."mirabel look at them "..y/n..when she was 13..her whole family.. Was killed in one night.." This made all of them eyes widen even antonio especially..camilo "w-what..???" He mutters mirabel was looking down shadow casted in her eyes "oh dios miyo.." Alma mutter in shock "and that name she said last night crying 'rokuta' was her younger brother same age as antonio age of five..when her sibling was..killed.." This made the room more silent no one dares to speak for a minute until camilo said "but..how..her family got..killed in one night.." "..she said some..unknown..creature.." She trailed off , then this make felix eyes widen '..unknown creature..?? Dont tell me..' He thought as he looks to her daughter dolores , who was frowning as he frowns too..

'Why ..did she really deserve it???'..

**✿❀ ❀✿**

Y/n was so sure that maybe dolores said it to everyone..but she really dont want it to keep it..the more she keep it, the more she became guilty , She was in the mountain again right now trying to focus and meditate then "y/n..?? There you are.." A male voice said "..Camilo..??? " she said confused while camilo look at her smiling softly "..i..uhmm..im so sorry for what happened to your family..." He said '..so dolores and mirabel said it huh..' She only smiled and said "please.. Dont apologize when its not your fault..and dont feel sad...your the jolly madrigal!!!" She said smiling at him "ehhhh..??? But.." Camilo frowned and sit on the rock he looks at her and take her one hand and holds it as he kiss it , y/n looks at her.. And this made her look at his features his tight curly long brown hair swaying back and forth makes him look..really more attractive..his green eyes matches his face..perfectly..this made the girl flush a bit "im so sorry.. Really.. I didnt know that happened to you..but..this time please.. Y/n..let me comfort you..you comfort me before..so please.. Let me comfort you too..this time.." He said putting her hands in his cheek while caressing them "..you.." Y/n mumble camilo look at her "what is it mi vida??" He ask the girl y/n didnt respond and suddenly hug him which made him surprise , she never act like this before as he hugs her back "im so sorry too camilo.. I made you worried about me.." She mumbles which made him smile "no need to apologize.. Mi vida..lets stay this for a minute please.." He said which made her smile "ehh..?? I thought your the one suppose to comfort me..but okay then " she said and starts to brush his hair with her fingers "you..really have a beautiful curly hair camilo.. Its really beautiful.." She said while brushing his hair , this made him smile and blush at he same time thank you hermosa~ ".

**✿❀ ❀✿**

" soo?? This is the part of your daily routine??? Dont you get tired????" Camilo ask y/n looks at him and shake her head saying no "no..its not that tiring my body is really use to it " she said as he lift a big rock "w-whoa!!!..your stronger than me!!!" He said making her giggle at him "you can try it!!" She said , camilo only laugh nervously.. "Sorry hermosa..i cant!!! My arms cant lift that!!" Je said smiling "ohh..its okay camilo" she said as she put down the big rock "..hermosa.. Did i ever say to you that your really beautiful.. Not just beautiful.. Your..really.. Look like a..angel.." Camilo said out of nowhere, this made y/n flush a bit "ehhhh..?? Thank you for the compliment camilo!!" She smiled softly towards the zone out boy '..wait..what did i just said..' Camilo blew a fuse which made her worried "c-camilo?!! Daijoubu?!!"

**✿❀ ❀✿**

"Its almost night..again" he said "yeah..we should be going down in the mountains now.." She said "lets go!!!" She said and grab his hand "a-ahh!! Wait!!!!" He said as y/n only giggled.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

"Dolores!! Its almost night..wheres your hermano..??" Pepa ask worried clouds starts to appear in her head "mi vida calm down its okay.. Im sure he's okay.. Right mija??" Felix said as she looks at them smiling and nod "mhm..its true mama..theyre okay.. Im glad camilo was able to cheer her up.." She said "waittt..?? Who??" Pepa said "y/n..he comfort y/n ..because.. Camilo was once get comforted by her too before.." She said making pepa's worries goes away and replace by rainbow "aww..my mi mijo is growin up so fast!!!!".

(Have a school tomorrow.. Wish me luck)

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