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"Rebuilding the casita and the wooden box she carry"

Narrator's point of view

Y/n let the two be alone for now , she doesnt want to intrude them especially they need to talk about something , she sigh then she look up admiring the beautiful nature "..i never knew encanto is gonna be more alive and beautiful than..outside.." She frowned '..hm..' I think i should go in the casita now.. The others maybe worried about mirabel i should say that she's okay ' she thought as she starts to walk towards the casita.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

The are still finding mirabel hoping thst she's okay but no luck they cant 'find' her so does y/n, "..hermano.. Are you okay..??" Dolores said as she put a hand in his shoulder frowning as camilo just frown more , gritting his teeth shadow casting his face as and balls his hand into a fist "..i..why did she..why did y/n goes inside the casita..??? She knows its dangerous.. But..why did she.." He said pepa , felix and augustin look at him frowning this is the first time they see camilo act like this , he never act like this dispite being a jolly happy madrigal.. They just never seen camilo so upset and meanwhile dolores look at her brother frowning but she knew that mirabel and you survive because she knew that your a slayer..a hunter " dont worry hermano.. I know theyre okay" she said comforting him " how can you say that..?? " camilo said sulking , and then "uhm..dolores.." All of the madrigals perked up to the familiar voice "y..y/n????" Dolores said surprised " oh!! Please.. Dont worry about mirabel!! She's doing just fine!!..she's with your abuela..i leave them for now because they need to talk about things like..uhhh---.. Ehhhh.. In family..situation.." She said dot eyed.. "Y/n!!!!" Camilo shout as he run towards her and hug her not too tight but in the gentle way " i..i thought you and mirabel was.." Camilo cant contain his emotion as he let out a small cry burying his face in her shoulders , as for others they let out a sigh of relief but then they see camilo shout the girl's name and hear a small cry to the jolliest madrigal they were surprised especially his mami and papi they never see theyre son act like that towards the girl , sure that camilo was indeed sometimes flirt with girls in town around his age winking and smirking at them but..they never expected this to happen..never knew he's gonna found a rather sweet and kind girl as they watch y/n hugs back and brush his long curly hair as she starts to hush him trying to make him stop crying "sh..its okay camilo..im here now..no need to be sad right???" Y/n said smiling softly at the male madrigal Camilo hug y/n a little tighter , "..how can i?? You worried me so much you know..i thought you and mirabel were crush by that big wall " he said making her giggle at his antics, " Hehe.. Sorry for making you worried camilo " she said to him " you better be..i was really worried!!! " y/n laugh at him " hai²im so sorry camilo , please dont cry now" she said as camilo look at her pouting a bit as they hear a horse then they look at the direction to see mirabel and abuela '..ohh..waittt is that..?? Her tio..bruno..????' She thought as she remember the paint in the wall from the village ' green ruana ..woah..he's good at hiding ' she thought as she watch him hide in the near by wall "Mirabel!!!" Jullieta shout as she hugs her daughter , "im so glad your okay mi mija..you had me so worried about you" she said as her daughter smile at her "its okay mom...im doing okay now.. Papa!!! Your allergies!!!!" She said as he look at her father "its okay mi mija,..im okay..im glad all of us is okay and everythings gonna be okay " he said to her , "not if we dont have a house.." He said as his papa felix nudge him, "what??? I cant say we dont have a house?? What is that?? Not a house???" Mirabel smile and look at the casita, meanwhile y/n smile and goes next to her as she unexpectedly sing "look at this home..we need a new foundation.." Y/n started and look at the madrigals then mirabel "it may seem hopeless..but where gonna be just fine " mirabel starts to sing too "look at this family , a glowing constelation..so many stars..and everybody wants to shine.." Y/n smile at her and sing "but the stars dont shine..they burn.." Antonio run towards mirabel "And the constelation..shift.." Mirabel looks at her sister luisa who was trying to lift up the broken wall as she walks towards her and help her "i think its time you learn..you are MORE than jus t your gift.." the song continues to flow and as the other villagers come to the casita "look at that hermosa~, never knew you can sing" camilo said as he starts to work y/n nod and lift a one sack of cement "mhm!!! Thank you for the compliment camilo!!" Y/n smiled at her while camilo look at her surprised "w-whoa!!! I never knew you can lift..that!!!" He said shock seeing the girl can lift a one sack of cement "eh-? Why camilo? Its not that heavy though.."..she said to him

" not that heavy?!!!!"

**✿❀ ❀✿**

It was almost night as the other people began to pack the other things as mirabel look at the casita as abuela said " theres a one thing..before the celebration" as mirabel look at ger "what?" As bruno said " we need a door a knob " " we made this one just for you.."antonio said as he lift up his palm and theres a door knob in his hand mirabel look at them and y/n..who smiled at her happily "we see how bright you burn.." The madrigals start to sing " we see how brave you been " mirabel who was walking towards the casita door is smiling "Now see yourself in turn.." Augustin and jullieta sang "your the REAL gift kid..let us in " y/n was smiling at her , she was happy that finally she sense a big happiness towards mirabel '..im glad your happy now mirabel ' meanwhile camilo was staring at her looking at her who wss smiling ay mirabel , he cant help but feel butterflies in his stomach ' ay..arghhh..not Again..' He thought as he look at the casita who was now alive Again..' You need to calm down sometimes camilo..' He thought to him self as he feels his cheeks heat up again ' why do you have to be so..adorable..' "Camilo..hermano are you okay???" Dolores said as camilo look at her and nod little did he know that y/n sense that he's been staring at her but why?? Is there something in her face??? As casita starts to pull mirabel in as the other madrigals goes in the casita so does the other people "y/nnn!!!!" She look behind to see a happy cecilia and her papa de la cruz y/n smiled and hug cecilia "papa was worried about you!!! You been missing earlier " she frowned and y/n looks at de la cruz "im so sorry!!! Im really sorry.for making you worried papa..i was here..helping the madrigals and-" he was cut off by him " its okay mi mija..but please next time say it to me..i been worried about you..and i think nezuko too.." He said making the girl smiled at him " i will papa..can i go home for now?? I want to see nezuko and..i want to change clothes i been lifting some heavy things while helping the madrigals " De la cruz nod as y/n excuse herself little did she know someone hears her.. 'Who's nezuko..???' Dolores thought, " hey dolores" mirabel said "hm?? What is it??" " have you seen y/n?? Mama and papa wants to meet her i mean in a formal meeting " mirabel said " ohh she goes home because she needs to change clothes but i think she will come back, ill just let you know " she said mirabel nod 'hmm..huh??' She was confused to whats she's hearing " nezuko!! Im home!!" '..that name again' she thought and then she hear a humm?? In respond "did you have a nice sleep???" Y/n said as nezuko nod and humm happily "mhm!!" Nezuko hmed "huh..??? So..y/n..has a sibling..?? How cant i hear her talk before " she said to herself "im glad you had a nice sleep but..nezuko Theres a bed next to you..its prepared by papa De la cruz.. Theres no sunlight here but you still choose to sleep in your box " dolores hear y/n said "box..???her sister..sleep..in the box??" She said again.. "Ill change clothes you stay here nezuko.. You know you cant go outside especially its day "..'eh..?? Whats wrong with day..?? Is her sister allergic to sunlight..' " ill be going now nezuko!! Remember.. Behave okay?? " nezuko hummed and nod happily as she hugs her sister '..i dont know but..why do i feel nice..no..her..sister seems..very nice..why do i feel so comfortable.. Even though y/n is a hunter..should i tell papa that demons are still living outside encanto..??'..


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