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"Please.. Stay for the night.."

Narrator's point of view

Y/n only sigh and look at her father de la cruz who has injured feet "papa..you made me worried.. I thought something happened to you..and look!!.. I told you dont push yourself too much.. You know what happened" she said

De la cruz only look at her with a emberrased look "im so sorry for worrying you mija.." He said to the girl whose frowning "..what are you doing outside anyway..??? Outside encanto.." She said looking at her papa

De la cruz looks at her "..well im just missing outside and decided to go out..and that was a wrong idea..i suddenly wounded myself now i made you really worried" he said

"Papa..did you hear some rumors?? About demon again..???" She ask her father shake his head as a no and she sigh in relief

"But.." Y/n look at him "..i see a girl outside..she's like a hunter too but shes wearing skirt..butterfly clip on her head.." This made the girl surprised and she think a bit

'..butterfly pin..skirt..??? Waittt.. Kanao san?!!!' She thought surprised ' why would she be near outside encanto???? Hmm..maybe a mission???? ' "papa.. Is the girl been with someone???" She ask de la cruz

"Hmm..i dont know but..i see a girl too..same as her butterfly pin but the different is they dont look alike and the girl is kinda short..?? With a mature face"

'..shinobu sama?!!!! What are they doing near outside encanto excactly?!!!'.. This made the girl confused 'shinobu sama and kanao san never been to this part of mountain before.. Could it be??? They know this place???? No it cant be..papa didnt know them..'

"Y/nn!!!!" She was snap out by her thoughts "im so sorry papa!!! I was thinking about something.." She said sweatdroping , de la cruz smiled ath the girl

"Its okay mija..arent you suppose to be in casita???" He ask , "eh-- how did you know papa???" She ask her father confused then de la cruz only smile at her

"Girls in your age-- i mean you and camilo are together when other girls in your age spotted you two..holding hands..???" He said to her

"Ohh!! Haii!!! Camilo invited me to the casita!!! But i was so worried about you papa..i dont want anything bad happened to you.." She said to him frowning

"Im okay mija!! See??? Why dont you go back to the casita??? Just once mi mija..i dont want you keep stressing yourself..." He said making the girl giggle

"Im the one who suppose to say that papa..not you".

**✿❀ ❀✿**

" ehhh??? Why are you standing in front of the door primo?? Ohhh!!~ your waiting for your hermosa~ " mirabel teased her primo , this make camilo flush yet got annoyed

"I-im not!!!! Prima.. I..yeah..im waiting for her..to come back somehow..she suddenly run off to.." He trailed off "hmm..maybe something happened to mister de la cruz or cecilia..she's always take caring of them so if she suddenly run off that means something happened to mister de la cruz or cecilia"

Camilo sigh then she hears her sweet yet gentle voice calling his name "camilo!!!! Ohh!! Hi mirabel!!!" Y/n said happily to the girl "hey y/n!!! Camilo miss you suddenly so ill leave you two be!!! Bye!!!" She said and run off leaving a confused smiling girl and a flush boy

"..you miss-" "ahaha!!!! Lets go now!!!! How about i give you a tour around casita!! Since i dont have much to do!!!!" He cut the girl off then he take her hand as they start to run.

**✿❀ ❀✿**


"Camilo... Its night i think i should go now..i dont want papa de la cruz to get worried about me.." She said to the boy "hmm??? Ehh?!! Night?!? Already... I was hoping that we can spend time more together..." He mumbles the last thing , which again y/n heard it , she then smiled

"Me too camilo.. I wish i can spend more time with you.. But..i need to go now" she said making the boy emberrased again '...great.. She heard it again..' He thought

"We still havent go to my room yet!!! And i really wanna show you what it looks like from the inside.." He said looking at the girl " ohh!!! Right..your room we go around the casita except your room" she smiled and pat the boy's head making him more emberrased than before

"Whats with you patting my head????!!" He ask emberrased "..e-ehhh???? Was it bad????" The girl frowned with dotted eyes confused too "n-noo!!! Its not like that.." "Then..what is it???" "..i..i never pat by anyone before.. Well my last pat in the head was when 5??? Yeahh" this made the girl surprised

"I always get pat vy the head too until now you know especially when i was outside encanto" "that many?!!!!" Y/n nod dotted eyed

"..well..can..you uhhh---.." Y/n looks at her and was about to say something then "hermano-- ohhh!!! Hey y/n!!!" Antonio said ,y/n smiled "hey there antonio what brings you here??" She ask him "its time for dinner.."she said making the girl said " ohh..well i have to go now!!! Bye--" "y/n..please..Stay for the night.." He said to her "but--"antonio cut the girl off

" mister de la cruz go here an hour ago..when you two busy roaming casita.. And i said to him if you can stayy!!! Then he said yes!!!" Y/n and camilo was surprised from what the boy said '..your a life saver hermano..' He thought happily "ohhh!! Im glad then!!!" She smiled happily " well its time to eat now..so..lets go!!!!" Antonio drag y/n "hermano!!!!" Antonio and y/n hear camilo shout feeling betrayed

Antonio only giggle at his brother's reaction "hermano really likes you y/n" but y/n being a dense girl she is she answer "ohh!!! Mhm!! And i like him too so muchh!! Hes a great friend!!" She smiled , Meanwhile antonio looks at the girl confused '..did she not..understand what i mean????..papi and mami is right.. She's.. Dense..'.


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