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"She cries and unexpected visitors "

Narrator's point of view

The madrigals was now were now having a nice dinner , except from mirabel who keep zone outing "psstt.." Someone say "h-huh?? Ohh!! Isa!! What is it??" She said trying to compost herself "why are you so distracted???" She ask "oh..i dont know.. Just..uhhh---... Deep in thought" she said "okay..????" Isabella said looking at her confused , the room was silent for a bit then jullieta break the silent treatment, "im Always curious about Y/n past..is something horrible happen..?? i mean dear, shes only a 15 years old girl and she said shes already traveling outside especially alone.."the others look at her " waittt-- she travels alone?!!!" Isabella said surprised mirabel nods "yeah..thats what she said.." She mumbles , "but isnt it dangerous?? Especially some wild animals might attack her.." Luisa said frowning.. As the others are thinking why a 15 years old girl is traveling alone , well except dolores and her papa felix who knows the truth, "hmm..i dont know but..i think the girl has her own reasons..or..something happen in the girls past.." Abuela said making them think for a bit " happened in her past mama??" Pepa said looking at her while camilo was suddenly think of it.. '..something happened..??? Whats that mean..' He thought "i mean..she had a reason.. Maybe she had a occupation or something important reason why she's traveling alone" alma said as she clears her throat "okay!! Everyone!! You can continue eating now its almost time for bed".

**✿❀ ❀✿**

Y/n was sitting in the roof of de la cruz household , staring at the sky admiring the beautiful scenery happening up her , '...rokuta loves to watch some stars too..' She frown remembering the sweet memories she have when her and rokuta watch stars in the sky admiring the beautiful stars above them "... Rokuta..if only....if only i can watch stars with you again.." She clench her hand into fist atempting not to shed a tears, as she remember the words rokuta said to her "nee san!! Promise me!! Please dont leave me.. I want to watch the stars with you!!!" "...rokuta..gomenasaii..hontoni..gomene" tears form in her eyes as she looks down "im so sorry..im really sorry rokuta.. I didnt save you..im so sorry for breaking the promise we had " y/n said as she starts sobbing quietly little did she know that someone hears her, that person..and she's shock to hear the poor girl sobbing.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

* la Casita *

"Camilo?? Hermano?? Ehhhh- antonio??? What are you two doing down here?? Arent you suppose to sleep??" Dolores said confused as sue watch her two siblings downstairs "ohh!! Antonio wake me up because hes having a nightmares but dont worry , im not that sleepy though.." Camilo said as antonio nods "hmm..okay.. But next time you can knock on my room too hermano..im not sleeping yet because--huh..??" Dolores nwas cut off "Huh-- what???dolores?? Hermana?? Whats wrong??" Camilo and antonio look at her confused '..y/n..???' She thought when she heard a small sobbing then "im so sorry..im really sorry.. Rokuta.. I didnt save you.. Im so sorry for breaking the promise we had".. Dolores heard her say as y/n continue sobbing this made dolores frown and feel her heart broke a bit ,but why..?? Why hearing the poor girl's cry hurt..maybe because y/n never cries she just smile..a smile that always appear in her gentle face " hermana..??" Dolores was snap by her thoughts "ohh..uhhh---.. What is it you say again camilo??" She ask "did you hear something bad..?? You frown?? You seem distracted too..what is it you heard???" Camilo ask worried dolores shake her head indicating as a no "nope..nothing.. You two should go to bed now , im going too first now goodnight you two " she said and left his two confused brothers downstairs.

**✿❀ ❀✿**


It was early in the morning as y/n wake up early, she cook some breakfast as she look at her sister who was sleeping in her own room no windows just bed table and a chair she smile and kiss her forehead "ill be going outside now..sleep well nezuko" she whispered to her as she finally change clothes and bid good bye to her papa de la cruz "ill be going outside now!!" She said "okay mi mija!! Take care and enjoy your day" he saud as she smile in response.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

"Thank you mija" "your welcome mam!!!" Y/n said back to the woman she take a deep breath and look around the plaza she start to walk..'hmm..what a nice day today..' She thought just then her nose was caught by some familiar scent , she walks out the plaza and go to the near forest 'Eh..?? That 3..scents..i know those scent' she thought "ohh!! Shut up!!!!" A woman said "hwuahhh?? Ehh!! Why you have to be so mean?!! Aa!! Ita!!!" Another woman said "oii..you two..please stop fighting were near at the plaza now..and we need to deliever this to mrs madrigal " a rather gentle voice said '..wait..isnt that..???' She thought "..suma san??..hinaratsu san??..makio san???" She said as the three of them look at the direction who said their names "ehh--..ehhh?!!!!" Suma said as she look at her surprised.. "Y/n chan?!!!.. What are you doing here?!!!" A girl with a black long hair but not that long said to her while looking at her shock "ohh?? Y/n san?? What are you doing here???" Makio a girl who's in pony tail style hair said to her surprised too "..ohh..i stay here for a bit..its been 3 weeks??? Mhm!! Oyakata sama give me a mission here!! So i cant leave" y/n said "especially.. I need to protect this people here..because theres a demon who find out this place.. Muzan might attack this hidden village i dont want that to happen" y/n finish explaining " a Demon again huh.." Makio mumble "yeah..but y/n im sure you can do it..i believe in you" hinaratsu said as she pat the girl's head '..i wanna pat her too!!!' The other two girls thought "ohh..by the way y/n chan!! You must be know mrs madrigal" makio said y/n nod "mhm!! Do the three of you been here and meet madrigals before??" Y/n ask the three woman who only nods as answers "mhm!! We been here before!!!".

**✿❀ ❀✿**

" come on dolores!! Tell mee!!!" "No..." Dolores has been bug by her brother camilo because to what happened last night "camilo.. Stop bothering your sister " pepa said as small clouds appear in her head "sh..mi vida calm down" felix said to her "dolores..??" Abuela said "hmm?? What is it abuela???" She ask " why camilo is been bothering you today??" She ask "uhhh---.." She was cut off bt antonio "last night dolores hear something that made her frown but she never said what it is" everyone look at her "ohh?? What happened mi mija???" Felix said to her well dolores cant keep secrets that much so she sigh and give up "well last night i found camilo and antonio downstairs and said antonio has nightmares when i about to say something.. I heard..y/n..crying..quietly..and she's saying sorry..blaming herself about something.. That she didnt.. Save.." She said making everyone silent until camilo spoke up "..she was..crying last night..??" He was surprised when he heard fron her sister that she's crying..i mean y/n is not the girl who cry the madrigals always see her as a helpfull cheerfull kind girl as the adult madrigals was frowning "she's blaming herself??? Why??" Augustin said looking at her "i dont know.. But she say a one name.." Dolores said "name???" Pepa said while her daughter nod "mhm..the name she mutter was 'rokuta'...she keep saying that she's sorry because she didnt save that person named rokuta..and break the promise they had" dolores said making the others frown "didnt..save rokuta..??" Mirabel mumble.. '..i guess there is..something bad happened to her past..huh' the madrigals thought frowning..'


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