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"Camilo's hermosa~"

Narrator's point of view
Y/n was just looking at antonio weirdly "uhhh---... I didnt notice someone was staring at me" she smiled awkwardly 'how i didnt sense that?!! Maybe i was too occupied in my thoughts "mhm!! He keeps staring at you and i thought your a boy" he said making the girl giggle at his answer "Well you leave early though..whyy???" Antonio suddenly ask making her flinch "uhhh---.. I have to ger home early because i need to guard the house..??" She said smiling awkwardly good thing antonio believe to what she said and nod he thinks for a bit and

"Do you wanna go in the casita???"

"Ehhhh- is that okay??"

"Of course!! Lets go!!!!".

**✿❀ ❀✿**

*In casita household*

" pepa!! You have a cloud!!!"said by the headowner of the casita alma madrigal antonio's abuela, " i know mama!!! But i cant find antonio anywhere!!! " she said thunder in her head "mami!!!!! Calm down antonio is with mirabel!! You want her to babysit antonio!! Dont you remember???" A certain curly haired boy looks at her mama worriedly "mi vida..camilo is right, calm down im sure mirabel is taking care of her well, here have some tea..calm down mi vida" antonio's dad felix said to her "camilo you go find mirabel, im sure shes in the town with her " camilo nods and goes outside the casita "why would mirabel bring antonio in the plaza???" He grumbles , "camilo!! Can you help me for a min?? Can you baby sit my child? I need to do something important and i cant leave her " said by a woman '..great...' He thought "of course mrs rivera!!!! " he said as the woman thank her and left he cooed the baby "there².. Miraposa..dont cry" he said to the little girl , he shapeshift into her mother and hug her while humming a lullaby ' i hope mirabel--..is that mirabel?!!! Wheres tonito?!!!..okay.. This is gonna be a longggggggggg day..' "Mirabel!! Wheres tonito?? Mami is looking for him everywhere!!" Camilo whispered yelled not attempting to wake up the girl "ohh.. He's with y/n!!" 'Y/n...??? I never heard of that name before..not even once!!! Why would mirabel left tonito to people i dont know?!!' He thought panically "ohh she fell asleep? Thank you camilo " the woman said to her , he shapeshift back to himself "ohh your welcome mrs rivera , im going to find tonito now take care!!" He said as he gives the sleeping girl in her mothers arm and goes to mirabel " where are they?!!" He shout at her "mirabel, you cant just leave my brother to the people i dont know!!!!" She shake the girl back and forth "i..i know!!! D..dont shake mehhh!!!! Im getting dizzyyy!!!" Mirabel said as he let go of her " well i know y/n!!! She's really kind and gentle!!! I trust her!!..speaking of tonito..there they are!!!" She pointed behind the curly haired boy , he look behind him and saw tonito holding a girls hand, '..y/n..?? Isnt that..the girl with the ruana???' "Y/n!! Tonito!! Over here!!!!" Mirabel shouts at the two of them , y/n and tonito look at there direction " ohh!! There he is!! Thats my hermano!! Camilo!! " antonio pull y/n hand while walking towards them "mami is been worrying about you!!!" "Sorry hermano.." "Dont worry primo im going to la casita now i can take antonio!! Come along now tonito!!! We dont want to upset tia pepa more " mirabel said to him "okay then..bye² y/n!! Lets play again tomorrow!!!" Tonito said as he waved a goodbye to the girl , y/n smiled softly at the boy "we will antonio, for now you have to go to your mother , i think she already miss you" she said with a gentle smile on her face little did she know , a certain madrigal was staring at her , camilo smirked "hola hermosa~ , you must be the one who take care of my little hermano " he said with a rather flirty voice , y/n stare at him " ohh!! Hello!! Its a pleasure to meet antonio's another sibling!! Im y/n kamado desu!!!" She said and bow at him 90 degrees , this made the boy look at him dumbfounded ' why is she so formal?!!!' He thought and he smiles at her "oh my~ no need to be so formal hermosa" '..hermosa ?' He thought while blinking " ohh!!! Forgive me if im too formal!!! Im like this!! Uhm i just want to ask you..why are you staring at me at the party..??" She said smiling at him ' eh..?' Camilo thought looking at her disbelief " how-" " your brother said to me that you been staring at me more than 5 min.." ' what?!!!!!!' Camilo suddenly felt his face heat up" i--uhhh---.. " yup..camilo was now too emberrased to talk to her "you seem red..and are you emberrased??? Ohh!! Hehe.. Im really sorry!!! No need to explain it and no need to be emberrased about it camilo!!" She said to him while giggling ' how did she know that im emberrased?!!! Is my face too red???? Aaaa!!! I never knew this would happen!!! I thought im the one whos gonna make her cheeks red!!!! Not mee!!!!!' "I..uhhh---.. Look at the time!!!!! Ahaha!!! Its lunch time now abuela would be mad if im late again!!! Haha!!! Im gonna go now!!!" He said getting more emberrased and flustered at the same time, y/n looks at her worriedly "are you su-" he was cut off by camilo lifting her hand and kiss it " s-see you later hermosa!!!" He said while running away towards the casita , while he left a confused kamado "..but..i have a name..whats hermosa mean..." She thought looking at the running boy smiling awkwardly " antonio was right he is a weird but jolly madrigal" he said before walking away.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

*with camilo*

'Oh my god..oh my goddd!!!! What did i suddenly left her?!!! Great..camilo..you did a good job!!' He thought sarcasticly , " i never knew that shes the one whod gonna make me flustered and emberassed.." He mumbles to be honest camilo didnt really expect that shes gonna make her cheeks red "god..that was so emberassing.." He cover his face with his two hands feeling his cheeks heat up again " camilo? Whats wrong hermano? " he looks up to see his big sister dolores "nothing..".. He mumbles , dolores smiled in a teasefull way " well someone's get his own karma, thats what happen when you make all of the girl in your age flustered when flirt at them you finally find the one who's gonna make you emberrased and flustered " dolores said laughing slightly, camilo became more flustered "s-shut up dolores!!!!" He said walking away, dolores only smiling.


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