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"The comfort that she needs right now"

Narrator's point of view

'..Y/n..' ' e-ehhh..???? What??? Where am i????' She look around to see her..
"Wait..im..home??????" thought as she saw her old house..'is it..a dream again..???..should i go there..???" She said to herself

'Maybe no--'she stop when the girl hear..crying and sniffles '...what..' She run towards the house and open the door as her eyes widen "..rokuta..????" She said adn the boy looked at her crying

"..why..why you didnt save us nee san????.." Rokuta said making her eyes widen more from the sight.."i...im..gomene rokuta.. Gomenasaii.. "She said stunned when she hear him more sniffing and crying ,y/n kneel in front of her and was gonna say something

" huh--??? What are you doing here????" She looked behind her and see a nasty glare from her brother shigeru "you didnt save us right???? Then why are you here????? Get out!!!! Your didnt save us!!!! Its your fault!!!" He said shouting and making her frown..her eyes casting by shadows

"I..im so s-" "..what are you doing here..you leave us right???? So techicallly your not a part of this family " she felt her heart sting no shattered bit by bit , the girl always start to blame herself..she always accept the faith and the truth but..

"Why did she still feeling pain??".

**✿❀ ❀✿**

Camilo open his eyes and yawn '..too early..i wanna go sleep--huh..' He freezed from his spot when he saw y/n in her bed...waittt.. In her BED?!!! camilo quickly panic 'w-what???? How did she come here-- ohh...right..' He thought and remember what happened last night , camilo cant help but adrmire the girl's features again, but that became to an end when he saw the girl is struggling to..wake up???..

'Is she..having a nightmare..???' The only thought frowning " hey..hermosa.. Wake up..your having a nightmare.." He shake the girl gently , camilo notice that y/n is like sweating this made him panick "hey..mi vida.. Come on..wake up!" He said

'Wake up!!!!' Y/n hears someone , '..what???? Who..'..she said '..you didnt save us..why you Didnt save us..' Rokuta keep mumbling 'y/n!!!! Mi amor!! Please wake up!!! Are you having a nightmare???' The voice said again..'waittt.. That voice...mi vida..theres a person who keep me calling like that..' She thought looking at her hands..full of..blood..'c..camilo..????' She mumble..her eyes widen..'camilo!!!!!!'

"..hngg...camilo.." The girl mumble while sleeping "you heard me!!!! Mi amor its me!!! Camilo!!!! Wake up please!!! Your having a nightmare!!! Its okay y/n..its just a nightmare.. Calm down please.." He frowns looking at her worried.. He quickly hold her hand with his "calm down mi vida.." He said

'Nightmare..its just a nightmare..' She said , 'im so sorry rokuta.. I..i have to go..' She said and starts to run away from the house , she looks at her clothes that change into..ruana..her papa de la cruz...ruana..'papa..camilo..i have to wake up!!! No matter what it takes!!!' She starts to run faster towards the woods

'..nee san..????' She suddenly stop from her tracks..then she looks behind her..'n-..Nezuko..' She looks at the girl looking at her..frowning..'where are you going.. Are you gonna leave us Again..??' This made her eyes widen..'i..' She remember camilo.. Its just a dream..nightmare.. The girl's eyes began to water.. 'Nezuko.. I..'

"Forgive me..for being a bad big sister to you"

"H..have..to wake up..." Camilo heard her 'should i call mama?? No...dolores should call her.. I dont want to leave.. Her side..' He thought caressing her hands..who was surprisingly soft..he thought her hands would be rough..due to her scars he through her hand '..where this come from mi amor..???' He frown " y/n..wake up..dont worry.. I will not leave by your side..im here..with you..i promise.. Its just a nightmare.. Not true.." He said , she notice the girl calm down , without a hesitation he kiss her forehead..

"C..camilo..???" Camilo quickly lean back flustered "mi vida!!!! Your finally awake!!!!" He said and hug her gently , y/n hugs him back " are you okay??? What nightmares did you have..dont worry..its not true hermosa.. Im here..i promise" he said brushing her hair

However y/n on the other hand..'the weird feeling again' she thought not noticing her face got red "..mi amor..??? Why are you so red???" Camilo ask touching her forehead to his "your not sick...wait..." Camilo lean back hest creeping up to his cheeks.."are you..blushing mi amor??~" he atempt to flirt with her ,this made y/n face to flush more

"W..what do you mean???" She ask tilting her head still blushing from the weird feeling "..blushing..????" She ask , camilo only smirk at her " your really are dense hermosa~ " he said kissing her hand and looking at her "aww~ oh my..flustered again i see..i knew it , you can resist me " he said proudly , y/n laugh at him "..you know.. Im not the only one..who's.. 'Flustered' a second ago " she smirk

Camilo was off guard..'what the--...why is she so cute..????aaaa!!!! She's smirking.. What should i do!! Think camilo think!!! I thought your pro at this stuff!!!' He thought looking at the girl.. Blushing.. Again..gosh poor chamelion-- i mean camilo get it together author chan!!! Anyways camilo suddenly look away to her making y/n look at him confused

"Camilo..??? Are you okay????" 'Is he..blushing' her eyes suddenly became dott "camilo.." She frown looking at him..still dotted eyed "uhhh---.. Yes???" "What time is it???" Camilo quickly realize she said "shoot!!! Its almost breakfast!!! Come on!!!" He said "uhhh--- waitt!!! " camilo open the door and go outside "ill wait for you outside mi vida " y/n nod and fix his bed from his pillows to covers

*meanwhile dolores *

"..early in the morning theres already lovey dovey's going on here..haa..i need a sound proof room.."


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