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"I dont want to survive,I want to live"

Narrator's point of view

"Have you heard a rumor??? Theres a hero!!!" A woman said as the others looks at her , "huh?? What do you mean???" Another one said "remember what happened the other day ago??? Someone die?? Someone gets killed?? Well the next day, theres no second victim!! That means, someone save us!!"

The woman saud happily unknown to them theres a certain madrigal hears there conversation confused, 'what do they mean about that??? Better ask dolores '..

**✿❀ ❀✿**

"Dolores!!!" She look where the voice came from "ohh..camilo?? Is there something wrong hermano????" She ask as he began to rub his neck in the back of his head

"Uhhh---.. Remember what happened a day ago????? That...someone... Got attack..???" She looks at him suspiciously, "yeah....what about it..?????" He sigh "well, i heard that theres a hero..???? Who save us...because..--" dolores cut him out "no next victim?? Yes..but..i didnt hear anything.. That night..." She looks away

Camilo eyes her suspiciously "..huh...are you lying to me hermana???" He ask making her squeak "what??? No..why would i do that????" She said looking at him sweating a bit , camilo only squinted his eyes "okay..."

"Mama said you Didnt clean your room again..thats why it rains a minute ago " she said bluntly changing the topic "ohh shoot!!!!!" He said and starts to walk upstairs , dolores sigh in relief , unknown to her , theres a another madrigal hears their conversation.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

"Cecilia...????" Y/n said as she spot the girl standing in front of nezuko's door, she looked at me "big sis y/n...??? " she said , more like ask this made her curious from what the girl's doing here

"What are you doing here..??? Arent you suppose playing with alejandra and valeria??" She ask kneeling , "well..i..i just want to spend time with you..and big sis nezuko.. I..heard something bad happened.. And i was scared.." She mutter looking at the ground

Y/n couldnt help but feel sad for the girl.. She was not suppose to know something about... That..she's just a kid..a little girl in her age suppose to be playing with friends

"Come here" y/n said and widely open her arms as cecilia hugs her "i know that its scary..but dont think about that okay???? Everythings gonna be okay.. Big sis will protect you always.." She said hugging the girl comforting her

"..i..im scared big sis y/n..im scared that..one day..you and big sis nezuko will disappear leaving me and papa..i dont want that..i want.. I want to live..!!!" She said making y/n's eyes widen

"Nee san!!!! Dont leave us again..please!!!!!" Y/n brushes her hair and picks her up she smiled "me too cecilia.. I want to live too..but..Dont worry about that okay??? I promise.. Me and big sis nezuko will not leave you and papa!!! Thats my promise "

Cecilia looks at her and hold out her pinky finger "promise????" She said while looking at her , y/n smiled and interwine her pinker finger to hers as she kiss her forehead

"Himawari no hizashi o yakusoku shimasu".

**✿❀ ❀✿**

" oiiiiiii!!!!! Y/n sann!!!!!" Mirabel shouted seeing her sitting near by rocks "ohhh??? Good morning mirabel!!! You seem so happy today" she said

Mirabel looks at her "ohhh am i???? Ehe-- im sorry!!!! Im just happy we have a hero!!!! You know!!! Theres no second victim" she said making y/n sweatdrop

"O-oh... That..mhm!!! Im so glad we have a hero!!!! So what are your plans today mirabel??? And if you have chores i can help you!!!" She smiled at the curly haired girl

"Welll i dont have a chores today really and im glad with that!!! And dont worry y/n!!! Abuela is not pushing us forward " she said making her smiled

"Hmmm...well..i have a tra-- i meant!!!! Daily...excersise...?? Yeah!!!! That!! Remember when you caught-- you saw me in that mountain?? Im going there now!!!"

Mirabel's eyes sparkled "ohhh!!! Yeah i remember!!!! Can i go with you???? I promise not to distract you!!!!" She said making y/n laugh , "its okay mirabel!!!! And of course!!! I would love some company!!!"

"What are we waiting for??? Lets go!!!!".

**✿❀ ❀✿**

"Whoaaa!!!!! I never knew the view from up here is more beautiful!!!! Well i been here before but never check the view" she said as y/n takes her ruana so does her polo

"W-whoa!!!! Whar are you doing??? Your not doing that las time i saw you!!!" Mirabel said confused why are you unbottuning your polo

"Ohhh...its because its almost night that day and today is really sunny so if i get sweaty while wearing a polo i kight get sick!! I dont want that!!!" She smiled as mirabel look at her surprised

"Ohhhh!!!! Thats why!!!!!" She said giggling , y/n takes off her clothes and mirabel was shock seeing her body
She never knew that she's a but buff..She's wearing a bandage bra..?????

She notice that she have a scar in her arm..small scars to be excact and she notice that she have a..new scar..in her shoulder..wait...new???? Yeah!!! It has to be new!!!! Its still very noticable but..what happened???

Y/n's body is like luisa's...but like a teenager version she was surprised too that sue have a four noticable abs in her stomach ,'how she can get a abs as the same age as me?!!!'she thought excamining her

"Is there something wrong mirabel??? You been staring at me for a while " y/n said looking at her with worried eyes , she was snap out from her thoughts quickly

"O-..ohhh!!! Im so sorry y/n!!!! I..its just my first time i see your body...i meant!!! You have a buff..body...not that buff!!!!!i just.. Never seen one in my sane age of course!!! I never knew that...wow..thats so awesome!!!!!!"

Mirabel eyes sparkled first time seeing a fifteen year old girl with that body "how much years did you train!!!?? Well its your daily routine but..how many years????" She ask

Y/n scratched the back of her head and procced to do pull ups "well..." She started , "i been doing it for like..two years to be excact" mirabel looks at her surprised, "two years?!!!"

Y/n nod "mhm!!!! I been doing it for straight two years to maintain my goodbody..and..for..Mizu no kokyū and hinokokyū" she mumbles the last part..

"What was that???"


( im so sorry for not updating!!!! I have a face to face classes so i was busy!! Have a nice day!!!)

Himawari no hizashi o yakusoku shimasu = i promise my sunflower sunshine .

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