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"Solo mission"

Narrator's point of view

"Zenitsu!!!!!! Inosuke!!!! Stop fighting!!!!!!" Says by an young girl who has an short hair , e/c eyes but you will notice that she looks around 15 years old "y/n sannn!!!! Helpp meeee" the yellowed haired boy said to her while clinging at the tree branch " fight me monitsu!!!! Fight me!!!!!" The boy with somewhat have an boarhead mask say towards the yellowed hair boy "i told you its zenitsu!!!! Who are you talking to?!!"

"Im talking to you!!!!!"

"Im not monitsu its zenitsu!! You borehead!!!"

"Huh?!!! Is there something wrong with my borehead mask huh?!!"

"Everythings wrong with you!!! You cant even write or pronounce right!!!!"

"Its not my fault!!!!! I was raise in the jungle thats why im the king!!!!"

"Will you just shut up?!! Y/n san help meh-"

"Noo!!! Fight mee!!! Fight me!!!!"

The two boys was arguing back and forth while the girl was just looking at them while sighing just then, a crow showed up and landed in her shoulder "caw!!! Y/n kamado you have an solo mission!!!" The crow said to the h/c girl "solo mission?" She said as the two boys look at her "huh-?!! Solo mission?!!! Ehhhh?!!!! Is that mean nezuko chan is gonna stay with us????" The yellow haired boy or zenitsu said excitedly "huh?! Why only her?! Me too!!! I want to kill some demons!!!!!" The boarhead also known as inosuke said angerly "no!! Caw!! This is only for y/n kamado and her siblings mission!!! Go to the mountain near [ mountain name ] theres been a case of missing people!! Caw!! Oyakata sama is counting on you caw!!!!" The crow said '[mountain name]?..isnt that..the mountain near to my old home?' She thought as she looking at the crow " your gonnna be starting to travel tomorrow in the morning caw!!!" The crow said before flying away.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

"Alright zenitsu san , inosuke san , ill be going now!! Please just behave!! Aoi san might get mad again" the girl said while looking at them " noo!!!! Y/n sann!!!!! Why i cant come with you!!! Or let nezuko chan stayyy!!!!!!" Zenitsu said sobbing the girl sigh "as much as i want nezuko to stay here , i cant zenitsu san , nezuko will freak out if i was not here by her side" the boy zenitsu sigh in dissapointment "okay then..just dont diee!!!!! Y/n san!! I dont want to be left alone with this wild boar!!!" "What did you sayy?!!!"
"Ahhhhh!!!!!!! Y/n san help meeee!!!!!".

**✿❀ ❀✿**

The girl sigh while walking, this is her rather 'first mission' without the two boys in her side 'why would oyakata sama would send me alone.. Hmm' she thought just then she stop walking and sniff the air 'wait...why is it too quiet..??'she thought as she hold her katana and start to observe her sorroundings 'wait..--' her thoughts were cutt off by an demon emerge from the ground she jump high and landed softly " ohh~ a hunter this is gonna be fun!!! Time to eat!!!" The demon said as they lunch at her , she quikly pull her katana and breathes calmly " water breathing tenth form..." She whisper and suddenly a somewhat water show from her katana and she lunch from the demon and cut their head "w-what the" the demon said as their head falls from the ground "n-no way!!!! Your just an low rank hunter!!!!" The demon said angerly the girl only look at her a gentle gaze and put her katana back "rest in peace" she saidnas the demon disappear to dust, the girl breath and suddenly kneel 'what the--??? Why i cant breath?!!!' She thought , she begin to cough violently then she cover her mouth with her hand and looks up 'nezuko.. I cant!!!' "N-nezu-..!!!!" She start to cough more violently then remembers zenitsu's words "okay then..just dont die y/n san!!!!" She look down and closes her eyes 'zenitsu san..inosuke san..no!!!!! I cant die like this!!! Nezuko!!!' She thought before her body finally give up and she went unconsious.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

"Nee san!!! Wake up!!! Please!!!!"

"Nee san!!!! You have to wake up please!!!!"

"Nee san!!!! Nee sann!!!! Please wake up!!!!!!"

'H-huh..what..??'she thought as she regain her unconsiousness, then suddenly she hear an a little girl's voice "look papa!!!! Shes waking up!!! Shes waking up papa!!!" The girl said happily "ohhh!!! Finally dear..you open your eyes" the man said to y/n who was struggling to sit up "whoa! You need to lay down first i found you outside encanto,..your mouth is bleeding you been poisoned!!!" The man looking at her worriedly , "i been..poisoned?" The first word come out from her mouth the man nodded "yes good thing i found you" he said "thank you mister..thank you so much for saving me..and what do you mean.. Outside encanto..??..wait!! Wheres nezu- i mean the box i carry!!! Where is it?!!" She said to man worriedly and nervous,"calm down mija, its over there" he pointed the wooden box where was under the table that makes her sigh in relief "ahh yes!!!! Mhm!!! Papa found you outside the encanto!!!!" The girl said happily "slow down there cecilia..we dont want her to freak out especially shes an outsider just looking by your clothes dear, theyre different " the man look at her clothes 'encanto..i heard it before..' "Well here!! We brought you some arepas!! Here eat it im sure your hungry , we will let you be for now dear, have a great rest come along now cecilia " the man said to her daughter, "awwww..okay then.." She said sadly "ohh!!! Whats your name???" She said "ohh..uhm.. Its y/n, Y/n kamado desu" "kamado? Thats a weird last name!!" She said "well after you heal!!! Let me show you around encanto Y/n!!! Bye²!!!" She said and left along with her father.


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