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"One little bird in winter with an injured heart"

Narrator's point of view

The young girl walk towards downnthe mountains and many trees when she notice that someone from a far are staring at her this made her curious and look to the side of her direction.. " huh?? Thats weird " cold sweat forming in her forehead shes pretty sure that someone is staring at her but all is she saw is trees and snow..no people..no one..but she does decided to ignore it.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

"Ohhh good morning y/n your pretty early today dear " said by some woman in which y/n look at her direction and smiled "mhm!!! I have some coals to sell!!!" She said while smiling "such an hard working girl" the woman said, "y-y/n!!! There you are!!!! Please help me!!!!" A young man said who happens to be injured "im not the one who broke the vase!! But they wont believe me!!" He holds an clothes and unwrapped it only to see an broken vase "here!! Please smell it!!!" He said holding it "hmm.." Y/n hummed and smell the broken vase "i smell an cat.." She finally said "ohh is that so??" An another woman show up "s-see?!!!! I told you i was telling the truth!!!".

" y/n!!! There you are!!! Can i buy some of your coals???"

"Ohh!!!! Y/n us too!!!!"

"Oh..there you are y/n!!! After you sell some coals can you help me carry this??? Its kinda heavy"

**✿❀ ❀✿**

"Finally i sell a lot of coals i can buy some sweets now and its getting dark"
She sigh and go some store to buy some sweets for hanako and takeo "ohh!! Can i buy an one pack of sweets please??" She said to the store owner" ohh! Sure dear here" the woman said "have you heard of the place called Encanto?" A certain woman said which caught the young girls attention 'encanto..??' She thought as she take the sweets from the lady "thank you"
"Hmm..i heard of it before but i thought its an hidden town where no one can find it even travelers can't find that magical town" they continue gossiping as y/n bow to the store owner and bid a goodbye 'encanto?? Magical townn?? Hidden..?' She thought while walking "what do they mean by magical.." She said to herself just then "oii kid what are you doing walking alone?!! Especially its almost dark " the man said to her , she look at the man "ohh mister i was about to go in the mountain in my home " she said "ay..no dont continue just come here inside you can continue walking tomorrow its dangerous especially alone dont you know the danger is gonna come to you up ahead?!!!" The man said to her "the man eating human is gonna eat you when your alone walking especially night!!" This made her curious "man eating..human??" She said the man nods " yes..man eating human flesh also known as Demons ".

**✿❀ ❀✿**

There she was inside the house " here eat " the man said offering her a food "thank you for the food" she said and begin eating "uhm..mister..whats a demon?" She said he heard the man sigh and light his cigartte " theyre man eating human flesh, they they hunt human when its night and eat them.." The man said as y/n finish her food " thats why theres demon hunters..theyre job is to kill them." The man said and pick the dishes up "do they come to every house..??" She said.."yes..they come here inside before" the man said to her.. 'Encanto..should i..' "Uhm mister-" "rizal is my name" the man or rizal said to her "ohh..mister rizal?? Do you know a place called encanto..??" She said..the man look at him surprise then goes serious "where did you heard that??" He said "i heard some woman gossiping about that magical place " y/n answer "hay..yes encanto is an magical place.. But its hidden no one knows it but they said its across the mountains hiding" he said and stands up as he turn off the lamp "you better sleep you have to wake up early tomorrow and continue your walking "
He said to her as she lay down 'encanto..hmm if its really an magical place.. And across the mountains.. And hidden.. Why i didnt see an people walking by..'she thought and slowly drifting to sleep.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

She wake up early as she expected and bid a goodbye to mister Rizal "mister rizal is an odd name" she said to herself as she stsrt walking to the hill.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

As she starts walking up to the mountains she cant help but think what was encanto?? What do they mean magical?? Is ist because its rich people stay there?? Or something.. "Huh-?".. She suddenly feel weird when its morning she suppose to be hearing shouting and giggling made by her younger siblings even though shes still a mile away but no..somethings..wrong..wind in the air making her short/long hair flow along with her hanafuda earings she notice the tense of the wind cold sweat starting to form in her forehead.. Thats it..something is wrong she smell the air and not long after her e/c orbs widen 'why do i smell Blood?!!!' She thought panicking and suddenly run towards to the mountains she knew something was wrong something bad happened when she was in the side of her house she stops and gasp for air then she rose up her head only to saw an gruesome sight..her eyes widen and look at the direction full of pain and agony..to see...Nezuko her younger sister laying on the ground covering rokuta the two ot them cover in blood. This made her heart crush like it was been crush by an big boulder seeing them..the poor 13 year old girl shout in pain and sadness and run towards her two siblings, " nezuko rokuta?!!! What happened here!!!" She said shouting you can see the pain in the poor girl's eyes she whip her head towards the open door of their house to see more painful sight..her eyes look so dark and look so traumatized.. She saw her mother laying on the ground along with her young siblings the house was full of bloods. The girl stands up and walks near door only her legs gave up on her as she kneel infront of her 'family'..in front of her 'home'..she never expected this to happen why..did she deserve this?? What did she do deserve some gruesome sight of her family..

"Oka san.."

"What a painfull sight..it hurts than a boulder crushing her..what did she do to see and deserve this..what a cruel world "..


" i told you mama!! I see person outside encanto!!! I did see it!!! " mirabel said to her mom only looking at her frowning while looking at her "mirabel..why did you two go outside..You know its dangerous" her mother said a little sternly to her daughter "i know mama im sorry.. Its just Camilo and i.." She said to her frowning she heard her mother sigh "good thing dolores didnt say to her mom that camilo and you go outside near..outside the encanto if dolores say it you know what will to the both of you especially camilo" her mother said to her mirabel only sigh and walks out in the kitchen as she thought of the person she see in that winter outide but her weird clothing made her curious is the outside people dont dress the same as them?? What would they look like..??her thoughts where caught by the her mother "mirabelll!! Give your papa some arepa!!! Come here!!" "Coming mama!!!".


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