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"The first victim"

Narrator's point of view

"Y/n!!!! Can you help me here for a sec mija??? Mirabel's is in the town helping others" jullieta said as she nods and smiles at her "haii!!! Of course tia jullieta!!!" She said and proceed to knead the dough for making arepa

"So how was your day here in casita mija???" She said to her and she smiled " it was really nice tia!!! But i accidentaly fall asleep..in Camilo's room..im so sorry!! Especially you casita!! You made a guess room just for me and i didnt use it.." She said feeling bad , la Casita moves theyre tiles saying that its okay

"Y/n..mija..aboutyour past..im so sorry for what happened back then and forgive us for suddenly knowing it"y/n looks at the woman " its okay tia..besides..its not your fault.. I dont really want to keep it a secret..especially im from outside "

"..you said unknown creatures.. Are the one who killed your family.. In..one night..what do you mean by that dear???..is there any bandits outside??" Jullieta ask , she shook her head "no..its..impossible..my old house is near encanto.. But outside.. Up in the mountain.."

Jullieta just stare at the girl frowning while y/n just keep kneading the dough '..just why did they do this to the girl..from a very young age' she thought, but..why..why would they do this to the girl..she seems really sweet and innocent.. A precious jewel like..but the world and faith are cruel to her..

But,..seeing her sweet smile gentle eyes makes her feel like warm in her heart no wonder mirabel likes to talk to her almost everyday , shes like a  sunflower,..a sun perhaps..a her bright gentle smile makes everyone feel comfortable and safe.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

"Y/nnn!!!!"mirabel shouts and run towards the girl , y/n smiles, " ohh!!! Hey mirabel!!! What brings you here???"she ask "so!! I was wondering..can you help me pick some flower vases??? Theyre like really big and luisa is helping others right now!!! Im so sorry for bothering you" she said ,y/n laugh a bit

"Its okay mirabel!!! No need to be sorry!! Come on!!!" She said and starts to walk out of the casita.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

"So!! Did you come home earlier???" She ask y/n nods "mhm!!! And im glad papa didnt get worried too much..i dont want him getting stress because of me" she said making her laugh

" Your really are a sweet girl arent you???"y/n giggled at her

"This was terrible!!!!" A woman said
"Whats that smell???? Its horibble!!!" An another person said " whats going on???"mirabel said and she cover her nose "blegh..whats thats smell??? Smells rotten.." She mumbles

Y/n on the other hand freeze from her spot stunned , '..smells..a..--' "omg!!!! A personnn's..head!!!!! Its...dead!!!!!!!" People stares at the horrible scene terrified and scared seeing a person's..head..lying near the trash bin..mirabel stood there terrified "..w..what..the.."

Y/n looked at the person's head..her breathing got heavy..'i..it cant be..damn it!!! No..rotten flesh..but why i didnt smell it last night???.. Did i sleep that deep last night?? Theyre innocent people.. Just innocent people.. I have to tell this to oyakata Sama' she thought.. Cold sweats starts to drip to the girl's forehead

"Y/n..i think its better if we go in the flower shop now.." Mirabel looks at her frowning , y/n looks at mirabel she smells that she's really scared and uncomfortable from what she's witnessing right now , "ohh..lets go now"" she said and drag mirabel near at her side, "its better if you stop thinking about it for now mirabel, you Look scared.."

"..i know.. But..what happened..???.. This is the first time i see..in My Own eyes , that someone.. got killed..and this is the first time for other people here in encanto too..it..never happens before.. Whats going on???"..y/n stared at the ground..glaring at it '.. I need to investigate tonight..because..

Im sure that is not just any one demon im gonna slay tonight'.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

" Abd finally the last one!!!! Phew!!!! Finally i can rest!!!" Mirabel said sitting  , y/n smiled a bit..still thinking from what happened "yeah.." Mirabel looks at her and frown " are..you still thinking about what happened earlier y/n???" She looked at her "..yeah..i guess so..because..you said its first time..that happened and i dont know if its just coincidence" she said to Mirabel shadow casting over her eyes

Mirabel in the other hand was looking at her curious '..why is she taking this..Seriously.. That much..??' She thought then she remembers from what she said about her family being killed '..theyre been slaughter in one night..' Then her eyes widen '..could be that..unknown creature that killed her family.. Is connected in..no..noopee!!! It cant be..right..RIGHT?!!!'she thought

"Y/n!!! You okay????" She ask making her snap back in thought "ohh!! Sorry mirabel!!! Im always been deep in thought" mirabel laugh a bit " its okay!!! " she smiled

"Well..im gonna go home now" she said "ohhh!!! Go ahead y/n!!! I cant take care of this " mirabel said as y/n looks at her "are you sure about that???" She ask she nod "mhm!!! Go ahead now!!!! Bye!! And be careful on the way home!!!

**✿❀ ❀✿**

"Papa!!!! Do you hear the news????" Y/n slam the door open which makes de la cruz starlted "ohh dios miyo!!!-- ohh!!! Welcome home again mija..and..yes..the..first victim." He said to her daughter "..papa..i didnt even smell something weird last night..it cant be.." She frowned "its.. Impossible.." She said and sits down

"Hmm..maybe.." She looks at her father "..maybe because the demon.. Who haunts that night is a special one?? I mean..a higher..rank maybe..???" He ask y/n shook her head

"If its a uppermoon who attacks last night , they should have kill atleast all of the people here..but..im sure its not a one demon.." She said making de la cruz confused "what do you mean mija??? " de la cruz ask curious, "if its only one demon its not gonna left a only one person's body part..im really sure that..it maybe..two or more of them.." She said looking at him

"..i..i need to investigate tonight papa..i dont want more people is gonna be a second victim again" she said frowning.

(I just realize, being a digital artist and writer in wattpad  is a pretty tough  work)

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