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"Training and luisa madrigal"

Narrator's point of view

Its been a week since y/n stay where in encanto as much she want to go outside of the town she cant, she's still afraid if muzan will let demons roam around here, it will get them endangered , she dont want that..her only wish is that people there in encanto would be safe and nezuko will turn back into human again, she frown ' if only..' She thought while push uping "233..234.." Yupp shes training in the mountain since she doesnt have to do just then " huh..??? Who are you?? And what are you doing here..??" She flinch and get up to see a nervous girl..?? Why is she so nervous.. She noticed that woah-- shes a buff girl "o-ohh!!!! U-uhmm..i was just i..getting some fresh air!! While uhhh---.. Doing some excersise...???" She said nervously the girl , "ohh..thats nice..i guess.." The buff girl sits in the rock head gazing in the groun while y/n looks at her then sniff the air '..shes sad..and..upset..i wonder what happen..' She thought frowning " im a loser.." The girl said making her look surprised "Ehh--??? What happened.. You seem sad and upset whats wrong..??? If you dont mind..can i know what happen?? " the look at her and frown " my gift..its fading.." ' gift..?? Ohhh..i see her!!! Shes the one whos greeting the guess in antonio party!!! Uhhh--- whats her name again..l..luisa!!!' " When i try to lift even a empanada..i cant even lift it!!! " she says and burst out of crying that made y/n stare at her panically " w-whoa!! Luisa!! Calm down its okay!! " she try cheer up her " i cant!!! This is horrible!! I failed as the strong madrigal!! Im suppose to help abuela and last night was a disaster!! Mirabel found tio bruno's vision!! And i cant even protect my family..im failure..a loser!!!!!" She said y/n frown ' are they..no..her abuela giving her many works and makes her stress..' " you know...your not a loser..in fact theres nothing weong with it..i think its because your abuela..gives you a lot of works thats why your body is tense!! If your muscles are not use to take things easy and slow and always use to tense and heavy things your muscles a re shock.. Just calm down..here!! Look!! Try to lift this rock!!" She said and explain everything to her while luisa is looking at her "try to lift some small rocks first!! Then try a little more big than this rock and when it gets more big your muscles are gonna start getting to use of just taking it easy..not skip!! Like uhhh---.. Ohh!! Here when you lift this small rock and quikly goes the biggest rock then it will really tense your muscles!! Just dont take everything tense..your pressuring your self luisa..so just calm down!! You can try it!! I onow you can so!! Dont say your loser!! Cause your not" she said making luisa's eyes widen '..she..' U/n smiled at her " try it!! " she said holding a single rock in her hands she take it and try to breath in and out " ohh!!! See??? You did it!!!! Great job luisa!!! , ohh try here!! Not that big just bigger and bigger like that!! You know what i meant right...???" She said smiling while frowning sweat droping , luisa then nod and lift a bigger rock and bigger ' her muscles are getting use to it now!!!' She thought happily " i...i did it..i can lift a heavy things now she look at the big rock where she sitting earlier she lift it in one hand and it work she smiled widely Seeing that she can lift heavy things " thank you..thank you very much so muchh!!! Uhhh---.. Whats your name?? And i never seen you in encanto before..but i see you talking with dolores and mirabel" she said "ohh!! Im y/n kamado!! Im a outsider!!" Luisa nod "thats why...well i gotta go now , i dont wanna make abuela you know upset again!! And its getting late too!! Thank you for helping me y/n..i really do!!" Y/n then smiled at her and then nod " no worries luisa!!! I just dont want many people get sad or upset..and mad..well you can go first now!!! Have a nice night!!! And please do remember dont pressure yourself" she said that made luisa smile and wave a goodbye to the girl " i will y/n you too" she said as she start to walk down the mountain '..she sure is a kind girl..and will anything to make everyone happy.. Huh..her family for sure..theyre proud at her ' luisa said while walking down towards the town smiling happily.

Forgive me readers if this chapter is too short

Uhhh---.. Why this chapter keep re uploading-

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