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" I could always do my best from every moment "

Narrator's point of view

"Y/n!!! Mija..i told you be careful.. Look even your haori is rip " de la cruz said patching her shoulder up " sorry papa.. But on the bright side i killed the demon succesfully

" She said smiling proud , de la cruz only smile at her actions " i have a great news for you " he said making her confused , then y/n suddenly hears a low hum , she turned around to see a happy nezuko

"Hmmm!!!!" She hummed happily to her while running towards her in 5 years old height "nezuko!!! Your finally awake!!!" She said happily as nezuko open her arms , wants to hug her big sister , she smiled and crouch down

She pick her up and hugs her ignoring her injuries in her shoulder "im so glad your awake now..its been a week..i miss you so much.. very much" Nezuko hummed happily as she snuggle in her sister's chest.

**✿❀ ❀✿**


"Are you sure y/n??? Your shoulder mija.." De la cruz was staring at her , worried for his daughter sake , y/n who only smiled at him "im okay papa.. Besides!!! Its just an slash..only one wound..im use to this " she said smiling sheepishly as she remember's
her wounds on what happened in red light district

De la cruz only watch her walking away smiling "She really do grow up so fast.."

**✿❀ ❀✿**

"Hmm..thats weird no more victim's..ohhh!!! Hey y/n!!!! How are you????"mirabel said walking towards the girl , y/n smiled back at her " good morning mirabel!! And yup!!! Im doing just fine!! I hope you too"

"Yeahhh...well its weird either.."this made her confused " hmm??? Why??" She ask the curly haired girl, "remember wuat happened yesterday ?? The victim.. that you know..well the weird thing is..theres..no second victim"

Y/n frowned dotted eyed While looking at her "ehhh..?? Its true that someone got killed suddenly but..whats the weird thing about that???" She ask and hear mirabel sigh

"Y/n..i know that theres always a second victim" she pout thinking making her giggle nervously "your right...but..uhhh---.. Ohhh!!!! Do you have a chores today??? Maybe i can help!!!!" She smiles to her

Mirabel laughs and nods looking at her "yuppp!!!!! Okay lets go!!!!" She yanked her making y/n startled but sigh in relief..

Yeah she's clearly bad at lying.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

"Andd the last one!!!!!mirabel said looking at the big pile of sacks of cement " thank you for helping me y/n..y/n????" She looked at the girl who was not responding

'What is she staring at..???' She look where y/n's eyes focus with

"Mama!!!!! Look!!!! I made an flower crown!!!!" A child said looking up excitedly to her mother ,the woman smiled "thank you mija..your such a precious" she carry her son that made him giggle

"When bug brother was in your tummy mama..you ate a lot of chocolate!!! Thats why big brother's hair and eyes are brown!!!!" The boy said happily , the woman stare at her for a minute and closed eyed smiled

"Thats right my precious!!!! Now lets go!! Lets go find your big brother" the woman said as they walk away

Y/n only stare at them with a sad smile in her face, remembering nezuko said to thier mother even though she wasnt with them that day , nezuko being a talkative girl she is , she tell her big sister what happened which made her smile..too bad..faith was cruel to her..

Mirabel can only look at her , frowning knowing that the girl remembers her past..'y/n..'she thought looking at her , well y/n for her its like her sister , a nicest , warmest gentle person ever , but that day that she knew about the girl's past she was heartbroken

She never knew how life could be so cruel to her..i meant..she was 13!! Going home in another day , seeing her family laying in the pool of blood , but what hurt her the most was..her smile..

She just smile like nothing bad happened back then..its like her past was normal.. And simple.. But seeing that behind her..was the most cruelest faith ever..

"Y/n..are you okay???" She ask making y/n look behind her and smiled "mhm!!! Im okay mirabel!!! Say..are you okay..??? You seem..are you upset over something???"y/n frowned " n..nope!!! I was suppose to ask you that!!" Y/n giggle.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

"Btw!!! Y/n!!! What do you think about camilo eyy???" Mirabel smirk nudging her , y/n on the other hand was confused why mirabel asking her like that

"Hmm..he's kind..sweet a flirty???" Mirabel laughs " he's an confident guy...a gentle when it comes to her mother...Loves her cousins..mostly for me hes the kindest guy.."not noticing the red cheeks she's having welll..mirabel.. Notice it..

"Ohohoho???~ is that a blush i see in your face????" She teased making y/n giggled at her.."its not that..like--" y/n was cut off by an familiar voice "mirabel!!!! Tia needs some help!!"

Camilo said walking towards them she then notice..her he smiled feeling his heart got warmth again, "why hello there hermosa~??? Having fun i see!!!" He smirk in the playfull manner

Mirabel only laughs staring at the two then smirk "ill be going now..mama needs me!!!!" She run towards the casita leaving the two

"Well...its looks like its just you and me hermosa" he said laughing awkwardly "yeah, so how was your day??? Is it good??" She smiled making camilo sweatdrop, 'why is she so straightforward????' He thought looking at her "welll..its good..i guess.. Its kinda stressing though.. But im glad its done now"

"Whoa...but..next time, try to relax " y/n said walking "well where are you going???" He ask putting a hand in her shoulder..with a little pressure..

Boy that was a wrong idea..

Y/n yelp in pain as camilo stand back "w-what the- y/n!!! Are you okay?? And...are you hurt..??? I mean..your shoulder.." "No!!! Im okay.. I better go now.. Bye!!!!" She said running away

"Wow...shes a fast runner".

Forgive me for not updating..its suppose to be sunny in my country...but the theres a typhoon here..

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