chapter 5

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Next day they all  along with zayan came to aayat house..... Her mother, sister, and uncle welcome them..... They all sit in the lobby and talk with each other...... After a while heena says humera ji plz call aayat..... Her sister take aayat with her and than she sit besides heena..... Heena talk with aayat after 20 mints..... Ridah says let aayat and zayan talk with each other alone for some time..... Everyone agree and than eliza takes aayat and zayan with her in the tyres... When they reached eliza says gd luck both of u..... Saying this she goes from there..... Both of them didn't say anything..... After a while zayan says.... What do u expect from marriage? She says marriage is life long commitment so I expect loyalty , trust, and love...... Listening this zayan smiles..... Than she asked him what do u expect from marriage? Honestly I don't want to marry before that so I didn't expect anything..... Listening this she says u don't want to marry? I said before that aayat..... Listening her name from his mouth she feels butterflies in her stomach..... I hate it when people lie so I expect loyalty.... Listening this she nobbled her head..... Zayan looks at her face carefully she was looking so beautiful..... Than zayan asked what were u doing in the airport that day? I was there to pick my uncle he came from London that day..... Ohk..... Just than Danish came and says everyone is calling u..... Zayan give angry look to Danish and Danish smrik in return. . ... They all go in the Hall.... Than heena says humera ji we take a leave now after we goes from here u ask aayat about her decision and we will ask zayan about this after than we will call u..... Saying this they all goes from there...... At night heena asked zayan..... Tell me about what decision u take? Just than Danish came and says aunty he didn't ready for this alliance listening this heena smrik and says oh ohk that's fine saying this she about to go just than zayan says who says I m not ready? Listening this heena turn around and says what do u mean? I m mean I m ready for marriage heena says r u sure? 100% listening this heena came forward and give high five to Danish..... Than Danish says aunty our plan is successful listening this zayan says what plan?

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