chapter 73

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At night after dinner zayan aayat reached there home.... And gets fresh n up.... And lay down in bed..... Just than zayan lay down in aayat and says what we're you saying? I can't do this? Zayan I m sorry I didn't mean this in conversation I said this but l didn't mean this...... Yeah baby but it's too late to cover up this says zayan..... I will show you tonight what l m capable of saying this he kissed her neck and gave her love bite..... Next morning aayat open her eyes and try to get up but she has lots of pain in her body that she feels that yesterday she celebrate her first night.... She looks at zayan who was sleeping peacefully.... She says zayan gets up what you have done with me..... Zayan open his eyes and asked her what happen my jaan? Zayan I need a Dr.... Dr why Dr my doll asked zayan.... Zayan you were so hard on me yesterday night I can't even stand up..... I feel lots of pain I really need a Dr..... Zayan smrik and says wait I "ll call a Dr first you need medicine but without Dr recommendation I can't give you medicine..... He calls the Dr and says wear your clothes ..... With lot's of differently she wear her clothes.... Than Dr came and check aayat.... She says Mr zayan I treat your wife but I need to talk to you.... Zayan and Dr goes out from the room and Dr says Mr zayan please take care of your wife and be gentle with her don't touch her at least for a week..... Zayan asked her is she is ok? Right now she is but if you try to intimate with her in this week than this will not good for her says Dr than Dr goes from there..... Zayan feel bad and than goes in there room..... Two days has been pass in these two days zayan didn't go anywhere and take very good care of aayat..... After two days aayat feels better and hugged zayan at night..... He hugged her back.... Than she kissed him on his cheek.
Zayan knows what aayat want but he can't take risk with aayat health so says aayat sleep..... Aayat says I m not sleepy..... Please aayat you need rest says zayan..... I need you zayan.... Zayan sees her face and says aayat I can't do this right now..... Why? Asked aayat..... I m not in a mood says zayan..... Aayat sit in his stomach and kissed his face than lips..... Zayan is loosing his control but he says aayat stop it I don't want this saying this he pushed aayat!

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