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Aayat was playing with there children just than zayan came and hugged her from back.... Love let's make love says zayan.... Aayat says first let your children sleep.... Zayan says ok.... After there children sleep..... Zayan make love to her whole night..... In the morning zayan asked how's was your night? She blushes and says you are impossible.... After one week aayat feels like to vomit she goes in the bathroom and vomit she thinks something and call the Dr..... Doctor came and check aayat she smiles and says your husband loves you very much you are pregnant again.... Aayat blushes listening this.... At night zayan came back home and after dinner she told about her pregnancy to zayan..... Zayan gets extremely happy and hugged aayat and says I want one more little princess..... She says no Prince will came.... Zayan says really? Yes really says aayat............. After nine months aayat give birth to boy and zayan gets happy she says to zayan I told you prince will came.... Zayan smiles and kissed her forehead..... After some days she gets discharge from the hospital.... And they live a happy life with each other..... Every after four months they visit in India and after two months they came back in London..... Today they were in London and aayat was cooking something just than she feels uneasy and goes in the bathroom after coming back she thinks some things and call the Dr.... This time Dr laughs and say something to aayat..... Dr leave from there and zayan came home...
After dinner both came in there bedroom zayan was about to kiss aayat but she pushed him and says zayan stop now you are impossible..... Zayan asked what happen jaan? You will take my jaan one day zayan.... What happen jaan why are you behaving like this? Zayan I am pregnant again..... Listening this zayan gets shocked for a while than says that's a good news he hugged aayat but aayat says I will abort the child... Zayan gets angry and grab her hair don't ever think to hurt my child..... Aayat smiles and says you love your children more now.... Zayan smiles and says no I love you more but your body is perfectly fine so there is no need to obort the child say this he capture his lips with her and they live there life peacefully and happily with there childrens!

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