chapter 33

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Both sit in the car and no one says anything to each other than aayat says zayan..... Yes.... R u angry? Why will I? Than why u r not talking with me? I m tried aayat..... Than she says zayan.... Yes? Stop the car..... He looks at her and ask why? Please stop the car than I will tell u...... He stop the car where no one was there than he asked what happened? She came closer to hold him from his jacket and start kissing him on his lips.... Zayan was shocked with aayat behavior but after a while he kissed her back they broke the kiss and zayan says is this kiss for making me up? She blushes and nobbled her head in yes.... Now u know how to make me up..... Aayat yes can we go to our house? For some time.... She blushes because she knows why zayan asking this.... Than she says..... If u want to go than we can go there..... Zayan smirk and says let's go than..... After some time both reached zayan house..... And sit in the bed for a while than both gets freshman up and lay down in bed....zayan came closer to aayat and start kissing her neck, cheeks, nose, eyes forehead and than lips...... After kissing each other zayan says I want u completely doll..... Listening this she blushes and says me too.... Zayan was shocked with her answer than he smirk and says can I make u mine completely? Today? She blushes and says no.... Please no..... Aayat few days r left for our marriage let me have you..... Zayan something will look good at there right time..... Zayan nobbled his head and says ok..... But let me love you saying this he makes love to her which she loves..... After some hours zayan dropped aayat in her home and goes to his house...... He lay down in bed and think some think...... After that he call someone and told him some thing to do and says do what I say I don't want any mistake..... Saying this he cuts the call and went to sleep!

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