chapter 14

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Next morning zayan msg aayat and wish her gd morning and went towards bathroom to get fresh an up..... On the other hand aayat gets up earlier and told her mother that she is going to her api house.... She packed her bag early morning and goes from her house but before going she switch off the net ..... When zayan came back from the bathroom sees his phone if he gets a reply from her or not.... But he sees that there is only one tick in watsapp that's mean she hasn't get up yet he thinks..... Aayat reached her api house and greet everyone..... She make breakfast for everyone which everyone likes.... After that all the men goes for there work..... And aayat sit with her sister in her bedroom..... Than Eliza says now tell me what u want to talk? She told her problem with Eliza than Eliza says you should break this alliance because in the v starting of this relationship he behave like this what will he do after marriage..... Listening this she started cry and says api he he..... He what aayat..... He touches me.... What? What do you mean aayat? I mean he kissed me many times......than Eliza asked did he do anything more? Rather than kisses? No..... Listening this Eliza takes the breath of relief.... Listen aayat I know you hv some feeling for him but that doesn't mean u can destroy your whole life..... What u said about zayan behavior I think you should break the alliance..... Listening this she nobbled her head in yes..... On the other hand zayan is getting restless aayat doesn't reply him yet.... He doesn't eat breakfast properly which is very well notice by the family..... He was sitting in the garden just than heena came..... Hello son..... What r u thinking? Ammii nothing much..... Don't lie to ammi..... After a while he says ammi..... Yes son..... Ammi I love aayat.... Listening this heena smiles and says I know that..... Ammi I want to marry her as soon as possible.... Heena eyes gets bright listening this..... Really? Yes ammi.... Than I will talk with humera ji today and we will fixed the date..... Listening this zayan blush..... And heena tease him.... Ok now come inside I will tell this to everyone first than we will call your mother in law.... Yes.... Ammi..... They both get inside and tell this news to everyone:)

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