chapter 62

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Aayat was roaming around in the road she didn't know where to go she was not in her country..... Than she call her friend lily.... In four rings she picked it.... Hi aayat.... Hi lily.... How r u? I m fine aayat you say? Lilly I m not fine.... What happened? Lily I just leave my house.... Why is that so? Asked lily....... Actually I had fight with my husband I don't want to live with that man he is sick she didn't told lily the whole truth but she told her another story.... Than lily says don't cry and don't worry just come to my house we will talk than I "ll msg you the address..... Thank you so much lily u r a true friend.... They cut the call and lily send her the address..... After a while she reached her home and than both sit in the sofa..... Than lily asked now tell me what happened exactly..... Lily I can't explain you but I tell you honestly that now I can't live with that man.... Please lily help me I want to go home I want to go to India just help me..... I"ll help you don't get worry first just get freshman up than we will talk..... She gets fresh an up than came back and sit in the sofa..... Than lily asked aayat tell me one thing..... Yeah asked..... What is the rel between you and that man who is in your wallpaper of your phone? When you were in the washroom someone calling you again and again so when I disconnecte the call I see your wallpaper..... You look close to this person..... Aayat says he is my husband..... What? Yeah what happened lily? Do you know who is he? What do you mean lily? It means you didn't know says lily...... Aayat he is zayan khan king of London or you can say he is maffia king..... Hearing this aayat says what? He is maffia king? Yes aayat..... He owns this country..... Not only this country he can own any thing he is dangerous, intelligent, powerful man..... Hearing all this aayat crys and says lily I want to go home..... Lily takes aayat phone and than switch it off...... Why you switched off my phone asked aayat..... Because he can track your location.... Aayat gets shocked listening this.... Than lily says aayat I can't promise you that I can save you from Mr zayan khan but l can promise you that I will try my best to help you to ride off from this country...... Listening this aayat hugged lily and says thank you so much..... Than lily says let's eat food.... Aayat says I m not hungry..... No aayat eat something for me? Hearing this she agrees and both goes in the dinning table to eat there food!

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