chapter 28

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He takes her in there house and than they both goes in the bedroom..... Aayat heartbeat is increasing mint by mint.... When they reached in the room zayan says I will be back in a while..... Aayat sit in the bed and gets worried zayan came back after a while with rope in his hands aayat didn't understand why he has rope in his hands..... Zayan roped aayat hands and pushed her in bed..... Zayan r u mad what r doing? What kind of behavior is this but he didn't say anything...... Zayan please I m scared now please don't do this but he didn't listen and tried her hands with rope..... Than he lay down in her body and says now tell me who was talal? She was scared but she says he was my classmate in school...... Did he was your ex? No tell me honestly..... No zayan I m telling u the truth.... Did he ever touch u? Kissed u? No zayan..... Don't lie to me aayat..... I m not lying...... Than why your friend says that she thinks u will marry him? Because he likes me in school he wanted to marry me but l didn't accept his proposal..... Why? Because I didn't have any feeling for him...... Listing all this zayan smiles and says do u hv feeling for me? She didn't say anything than zayan says I m asking u something..... Yes says aayat..... Listening this he start kissing her lips..... But she wanted to free herself from rope..... When zayan sees she is not kissing him back he break the kiss and says kiss me back..... Please free my hands from this rope first..... Zayan opens rope and frees her hands she takes the breath of relief than zayan kissed her again after a while she kissed him back...... After kissing each other zayan dropped aayat to her home...... At night aayat thinks of her life and one question again and again comes in her mind should I marry zayan or not?

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