chapter 64

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Two days has been passed but zayan didn't reached to aayat..... On the other hand zayan makes life of London people miserable.... Lily didn't let aayat watch TV that's why she didn't know anything yet....after two days lily says aayat let's go we will go out for outing..... But lily if zayan or his man sees me what will happen? Don't worry we will not go futher we will just go in gloucy shop it hardly takes five mints from our home.....aayat nobbled her head in ok and both goes out from lily home..... They reached in the super market and start taking some things..... After a while they came back home..... On the other hand zayan taking with danish.... Danish why d hell I still can't find my aayat.....we will fine bhabhi soon zayan don't worry but please eat something.... You didn't eat anything since bhabhi has gone..... I m not hungry Danish I will only eat with my aayat now.... Just than one man came and says boss we see mam.... Hearing this zayan gets up and says where is my aayat? Sir we see mam in a supur market.... Our man is following her.... Tell me which super market you seen her? Xyz super market mam is seen with some girl..... Some girl who asked zayan..... Don't know sir.... Just than man call his second man..... He received it and says ok.... Than he says sir our man send video of mam he show the video to zayan.... Danish zayan sees the video.... Aayat was standing in super market with a girl and doing some shopping..... When zayan sees her he can't stop being crying. .... Danish says control yourself than zayan says found her within 1 hour..... If you fail to find her I will kill you all.... Man goes from there than after 15 mints man came and says sir we found mam..... Listening this he smiles and get up from his chair and asked where? Sir mam is living with a girl.... She meet this girl few days ago..... Zayan was shocked with this news because he didn't know about this.... He says let's go and zayan with his man goes from there to take his aayat with him..... After a while some knock the door bell of lily house.... Aayat says let me see she open the door and gets shocked!

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