chapter 82

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Next morning both gets up and goes in ht the break fast table and do there breakfast with the family..... Heena sees aayat and noticed something..... When everyone goes from there heena stops zayan and says.... Zayan you should control yourself.... What ammi? I didn't get you..... Zayan aayat is pregnant don't touch her till her delivery.... Zayan didn't say anything for a while than says I will try not to touch her..... Saying this he goes from there...... Heena and all the family members take very good care of aayat...... Nine months has been passed.... In these nine months everyone pamper aayat alot.... Zayan try his best not to touch aayat but he didn't get successful.... Now aayat was sitting in sofa just than she feel pain in her stomach...... Heena takes her to the hospital and calls zayan that she has labour pain..... Zayan came to the hospital and came to know that aayat has some problem in her delivery.... Dr says Mr zayan..... She has some problem in her delivery you have to decide.... What decision I have to take Dr? Mr zayan I can only safe one life weather it is your child or mother..... Listening this zayan gets shocked..... Without thinking another mint he says save my wife..... Dr says ok and goes from there..... After half an hour Dr came and says congratulations in very rare cases this happen your wife and child both are safe..... She deliver baby boy..... Listening this zayan and the whole family become happy zayan asked can I meet my wife? No Mr zayan you can meet her after half an hour but you can see your baby..... Zayan and the whole family sees the baby in the nusuary..... Seen his child zayan started crys..... And his father console him..... After half an hour zayan meet aayat and she open her eyes.... She smiles and says my baby zayan? Zayan kissed her forehead and says our baby is fine..... Allah bless us with baby boy..... She became happy listening this..... Give my baby to me says aayat..... Dr gives us after some time says zayan..... After 10 mints nurse came with the baby.... Aayat and zayan sees the child and crys.... They take the baby in there lab..... Family also came and take the baby in there lab.... Everyone is extremely happy and after some days aayat gets discharge from the hospital!

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