chapter 30

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When they goes out from the house zayan man was not there at the moment because they all were in a tea break.... His mans came back and sees there is a lock in the door he gets scared because he knows what will his boss do.... One of his man says if we will say to boss that we were in tea break than he will kill us..... Than what should we do? Ask the other man..... We hv to first find out where man is right now.... They all sat in the car and goes from there..... After a while there luck is with them they find aayat in the car.... They all take a breath of relief....than his man call zayan..... Hello boss mam is going somewhere..... Where? I don't know sir we all r following her.... With whome she was? Sir with her family.... Ohk follow her than tell me where she goes.... They reached in the restaurant and his man informed him about this.....
Zayan calls aayat but she didn't receive it he again and again call her but she rejected it than he watsupp her..... Where r u? Why not picking my calls..... She reply him.... I m with my family right now...... Where? Asked zayan she didn't want to lie but she said home..... Listening this zayan gets angry he wanted to punish her in that moment but he said ok...... They do there dinner and went back home...... Late at night zayan msg her and says tomorrow meet me at 11.00 clock.... Why? We will do shopping
Ok says aayat...... Next morning she meet him and as per zayan planning they do shopping after shopping he take her in his house and aayat thinks maybe he wants to spend some time with her..... He take her in his bedroom and sit in the bed and talk with each other after while zayan was memeried by aayat beauty and she was beautiful no doubt but she is looking extremely beautiful today.... He kissed her cheeks and peck her lips and she blushes..... Than he kissed neck..... Just than zayan remember he lied to him.... He graphic her hair and says where were u yesterday? She gets shocked with zayan behaviour she says what what happen? Tell me where were u yesterday..... She gets scared and told him everyone..... Why did u lie?

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