chapter 77

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Days r Passing beautifully zayan taking care of aayat in exterm level.....he pamper her alot..... Nowadays she is behaving like a child..... Today she is sitting in her bed and eating an ice cream and zayan right now is in his work.... Just than a idea came up in aayat mind..... She  calls Maria and tell her that she wants to go out in the market..... Maria says mam when sir will be back at home than he will let you out ..... But aayat refuse this.... She says Maria I will go out alone and dont call zayan it's an order..... Maria didn't know what to say because she can't refuse aayat order also.... She says mam please first call sir...... Maria I don't want to call anybody saying this she goes out from the mansion..... She roam around the city than she do lots of shopping for the baby..... After that she became hungry so she sit in the restaurant and order food..... On the other hand zayan wild up his work earlier and goes to his mansion for his aayat..... When he reached in the mansion Maria sees him and gets scared..... Seen Maria face zayan asked why you r scared? Maria says sir mam.... Mam what? Where is aayat? Asked zayan.... Maria closed her eyes and tell everything to zayan...... He gets angry on Maria..... You should at least infrom me Maria..... She is pregnant don't you know this? Sorry sir says Maria..... Zayan calls aayat and she pick it..... Hello.... Aayat where are you? Aayat says I m in the restaurant eating food.... Zayan says jaan which restaurant? Xyz restaurant..... Jaan I m coming don't go from there..... Ohk says aayat..... After a while he reached in the restaurant and sees aayat sitting in a chair and crying..... Zayan came forward and sit near her and asked jaan why r u crying? She says zayan i m hungry....jaan if you r hungry than order the food.... Zayan I want noodles and this restaurant sell best noodles but right now they r saying that noodles is not available.... Saying this she crys..... Zayan hugged her and says jaan don't cry we will take noodles with another restaurant...... No zayan I want noodles from this restaurant only...... But jaan if they r not selling right now so we will take from another restaurant..... She shouts at zayan and says zayan go from here u are good for nothing your wife and child are hungry they want noodles and you can't do anything zayan didn't know what to say in that moment than she says who made you maffia king? Huh if you can't fullfill your wife and child wish..... Zayan smiles in return than he asked the manager to came...... Than manager came and zayan says I want noodles for my wife from your restaurant I don't care how you will cook but I want it within 15 mints and if you fail to bring noodles in front of my wife than what will zayan khan do he didn't know..... Listening all this manager gets scared and he says no worries sir noodles will be suffer to mam within 15  mints.... Saying this manager goes from there..... And zayan says r u happy now? Aayat says not now first I will eat than I will tell you..... He smiles in return and kissed her forehead.... After a while noodles came and aayat eat it after eating she says now I m happy!

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