chapter 63

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Zayan was getting mad and restless.... He doesn't believe that aayat runs from his cage..... He is searching his girl but couldn't find her yet..... He again and again dail aayat no but she doesn't pick it...... Now he again try her number but what shocked him is that her phone is switch off..... His team also start searching there queen but still didn't find any clue..... On the other hand after eating there dinner lily says I "ll show you your room..... She shows her aayat room and says you take rest....
When lily about to go aayat ask where is your family lily? Aayat they r in Italy right now my cousin is getting married so they go there to attend the wedding...... Lily you didn't go there? No aayat actually my exam has just started that's why I m not going to attend the wedding..... Ohk says aayat than both wish each other good night and lily goes from there...... Aayat lay down in her bed and started crying thinking about all the things.... While crying when she sleeps she doesn't know this..... Next morning when she woke up and remember all the things she again started cry..... After some time she gets up and take shower....after getting ready she came out from the room and sees lily is watching TV..... Gd morning lily says aayat..... Gd morning aayat come and see what your husband Doe's...... Hearing this she came forward and sees tv...... In news anchor was saying that London is facing doom right now.... Since last night in London 24 accident has happened and people are facing problem like school and college r closed with in one 24 hours for no reason..... People house electricity gets cut don't know how and for what reason..... Glousery stop giving people food still reason is unknown..... But sources r saying that these all things r happening because king of London is extremely upset and angry reason is still unknown...... When aayat listen all this she didn't believe in her ears she sit in a sofa and crystal lily console her...... Why lily why zayan doing all this why he give pain to people..... Because he wants you aayat..... What says aayat...... Yes he wants you when you leave his mansion he gets mad and he doing all this to get you back..... He knows that you r soft hearted person and you can't see people suffering to get you back he doing all this says lily..... But lily..... He doesn't know that I know that he is maffia king says aayat....he wants that now you should know his reality that's why he doing all this.... He knows that you will somehow watch TV or these circumstance can't be hide with anyone so in next news he will definitely will shown his name and a msg for you...... Aayat didn't understand anything she just crys and says I want to go home..... Lily hugged her and console her just than TV anchor again says something which cause aayat attention..... King zayan khan is in very bad mood he personally tell us to give this msg a very important person of his life..... He says..... Come back to me otherwise you will see the conquerion...... At the end we just wanted to say to that people please come back otherwise people will suffer the most...... Aayat tears won't stop after this news..... Lily says I told you already he will do something like this only..... Lily why he is doing all this? Because he loves you and he obsessed with you.... He can't afford to loose..... I will not go back lily he is an animal..... Lily didn't say anything to her but she thinks..... Aayat he will get you back at anycost.... You want it or not but you have to live with him only....after thinking all this he make breakfast and make aayat eat forcefully..... On the other hand zayan is getting mad and mad without aayat he doesn't eat anything since yesterday..... He first make people life miserable in London so that aayat sees all this and came back to him because he knows that she can't see people suffering that's why he call the news channel and ask them to show his msg..... Danish his right hand come best friend is extremely worried for zayan!

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