chapter 44

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He sees aayat was playing and laughing with some man..... He walk towards her and shouts aayat.... She seen him and says zayan..... He came closer hold her hand and walking fastly..... She says zayan leave my hang you r hurting me.... But he didn't listen and take her in there room.... He closed the door and ask her.... Why d hell did you leave the room in this time? I was not sleepy so I thought why not roam around in the hotel.... Did you asked me or tell me before going out? Why will I ask u? Plus u were sleeping..... So what if I was sleeping.... She says zayan stop it please.... She was about to go out again but he hold her arms tightly and  says where r u going? None of your business zayan leave.... Listening this zayan losses his control and he throw r on bed....What did u say? She gets scared listening this nothing.... He graphic her hair tightly and asked her.... Who was that man? I don't know.... Than why we're u laughing and playing with him? She pushed him and says none of your business.... What? Asked zayan.... Yes u r not interested to talk with your wife u wanted to sleep so just sleep and don't ask me anything..... Listening all this he can not control his anger and feelings.... He hold her harshly and says u r the one who stop me to love u don't you remember? U r the one who didn't respond when I was making love to you..... In these 2 days u haven't noticed that I didn't touch u or kissed u.... In fact I didn't even touch your single finger but still u didn't try to talk to me or didn't asked me what has happened!

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