chapter 38

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Both gets ready and go down stairs...... They wish gd morning to all of them and than do there breakfast...... After breakfast heena says.... Aayat u can go to your maika for some time.....i "ll talk with humera ji she was saying that Eliza will come and than pick you from here this is the rasme u know that? Yes ammi I know that.... Bride sister came with breakfast..... Yeah child she didn't came yet because there is some guest were there is your maika.... After a while Eliza came khan family welcome her beautifully she talk with them for a while she eats some thing than Eliza take aayat with him..... Zayan told driver to drop them..... She reached her maika and hugged her mother she talk with her family and do lots of gossip.... Zayan didn't stop her because he knows that he is going to take aayat with him and after that aayat world will be zayan only..... After some hours she came back and they all do dinner and went to there respective rooms..... In there bedroom.... She asked zayan can I ask you something? Yeah doll ask..... Before yesterday night did you touch any girl? What? Did u touch any girl except me? Zayan smrik and says if I say yes than? Listening this she gets upset she almost has tears in her eyes.... Zayan take her face in his hand and says love don't cry I was just joking..... Ohk listen u r the first and last woman I touch and see..... Listening this she smiles and hugged him..... While hugging zayan unzip her dress and start removing her dress..... She says what r u doing? U don't know what I m doingdoing? She blushes and zayan made love to her..... After some hours..... Aayat says.... Zayan now stop please I'm tried please but Zayan was getting harder and harder..... After some time he stops it both sleep in each other arms!

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