chapter 29

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Days r going well and both the family r extremely busy in wedding shopping..... Zayan possessiveness is in peak..... He always keep in touch with aayat in watsupp and at night he daily do video call and talk with her at least for 2 hours....zayan always keep an eye in aayat when wherever she goes out his man always follow him and they send aayat pics and videos to zayan sometimes his man do video call to zayan and he watch his doll live of course she didn't know anything about this...... Zayan family is extremely happy because zayan is finally getting married and now he is in love that is cheery on the top..... Danish sometimes gets worried for zayan because he knows zayan is getting mad in love day by day..... But he was happy because his friend finally settling down in life..... Aayat on the other hand is feeling relaxed because nowadays she didn't face zayan aggressive love......right now aayat and her family is sitting in the Hall and discussing the things..... Just than Eliza says let's go for dinner tonight..... Everyone gets agree and at night when everyone was getting ready aayat was sitting in her room quietly than Eliza came and says why didn't get ready yet? Api actually I didn't ask zayan permission to go out..... What says Eliza.... Yes api.... R u mad aayat? Why will you ask him? Because he told me whenever I go outside I first ask him and tell him where I m going than I will go..... Listening this Eliza is gets shocked..... Aayat he is controlling your life I m telling u just think one more time to get married to him..... No api he cares for me.... Aayat this is controlling..... He wants to control u...... Api please..... What please aayat I m getting angry with this what does he think of himself? And what happened to u? U were not like this before..... I m telling u aayat just think one more time to marry him...... No api he is nice guy he loves me..... Aayat what happened with u why r u behaving like this..... Look like he does some black magic on you..... There is nothing like that api..... Than Eliza things something and sit near aayat..... Aayat tell me one thing honestly..... Yes api ask..... Did he touch u? I already ask u this question but but tell me did you both cross the limits? Aayat didn't know what to say .... She says he touch me..... Where? Everywhere api.... Listening this Eliza gets shocked she says what do u mean everywhere? Api u go and get ready I "ll come in a while..... Aayat don't change the topic..... Tell me everywhere meaning?..... Everywhere meaning everywhere api he touch my whole body..... Aayat u r joking right? No api he touches me he sees me saying this she started crying because she was feeling bad telling her sister about this..... Eliza gets more and more shocked with this..... She ask did he see u without clothes.... She nobbled her head in yes..... And than Eliza gives tight slap to aayat..... R u out of your mind..... U let him touch u and see you before marriage.... Sorry api but he loves me..... Listening this she slap her again..... U stupid girl he wants to control u and he do this thing before marriage to control u..... He knows that if he touch he can easily manipulate u..... And if anybuy chance u will say no to this marriage he will use this..... U stupid girl what you hv done..... Just than there is knock on the door Eliza open the door and sees sameer was there..... Eliza everyone is ready u both come down stairs we r ready to leave.... She says we r coming and closed the door.... Aayat just get ready we will talk in this matter later because what is done is can't be undone..... But api I didn't ask him..... Shut up and gets ready and don't tell him about this he will not get to know.... She nobbled her head and goes in the changing room when she was changing her clothes she sees love bite in her body near her stomach she remember zayan gives this mark few days ago when she was with him in her house but that mark still in her stomach this shows how deep that was..... Seeing her mark she blushes.... And change her dress.... Both sister go down stairs and everyone goes out for dinner

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