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"You're still sleeping when today's your big day?" Hidaya asked as she tapped Aida's sleeping figure into consciousness.

"That shouldn't mean the end of the world Adda just let me sleep more" Aida groaned in a sleepy voice. Sometimes, she wished she was still sick so she'll get to sleep as much as she wanted to. "Don't get me started on that one, wake up or you know my capabilities" Hidaya warned before walking out of Aida's room.

Aida needed not to be reminded of her sister's capabilities when it comes to waking people up from their sleep so she just gave up and stood up from bed.

You must be wondering what big day they were referring to right? Well it didn't even take a week after Fahad and Aida's reconciliation when Fahad sent his elders to ask for Aida's hand in marriage. They were both happy about that to a point they insisted on a little engagement party which took place a day after.

Then there they were, a week after. His family were bringing over the bride price and trousseau; Sadaki and Kayan lefe for their marriage. Fahad insisted, that they get married as soon as possible but his parents refused saying that he had to serve his country by doing his NYSC. And after that, he'll have to work with his father for some time before he would be able to get married.

Though Fahad agreed, it seemed like he had planned something. He insisted that the bride price and trousseau be brought to Aida's home before he departs to Jigawa for his Service.

Wahida and Ammi went over that day as early as 7:00 in the morning to help Hidaya get everything ready. As the tradition required just the female gender, Ammi invited two of her elderly friends who will be involved in accepting the trousseau because she claimed that Hidaya and Wahida were too young to accept them as per tradition.

Aida freshened up and went to the kitchen where she found Hidaya and Wahida busy preparing different varieties of food and snacks for the occasion.

"Need help?" Aida asked. "Welcome sleeping beauty, we don't need your help here but our rooms certainly need your help. Do clean them up before your friends show up" Hidaya said not turning to look her way.

"Okay I'll make sure I do so" Aida said before she turned and left the kitchen. "And Wahida, do you mind calling the people we ordered drumsticks from. We need it early so we won't be late in preparing the peppered chicken" Hidaya added.

"Sure, I'll go call them and if it is ready I'll go get it myself using your Car, I don't have enough fuel in mine" Wahida replied as she washed her hands and dried them off with a towel. "The key should be in the bag I wore when went to the market yesterday, I don't remember changing its place" Hidaya said and Wahida nodded before she exited the kitchen.

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