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Sameer sat on his bed edge and watched intensively at the flash drive in his palms. He returned home hours back but he did not dare to check the contents of the drive, he did not have that gut or maybe the gut was suddenly nowhere to be found.

But he wasn't at fault there as he also was trying his possible best to actually hold in his emotions. Even though he had no idea what he was feeling exactly but he was damn sure that it was not good.

And if you would ask him, he knew those feelings too well. It was exactly how he felt the day he was returning home after five years of studies. True to his feelings, he returned to a broken home and a mother who would not talk to him no matter how hard he tried. As of that time, he did not give up on trying to get into a conversation with his mother. At least not until she raised her hands on him for the first time since Sameer knew her. That was when he convinced himself to give her the space she strongly desired. And that lasted for seven good years, not until Abbi died.

His ringtone was what distracted his thoughts, Sameer kept the flash drive on his bedside drawer and picked his phone from the same place.

Furrowing his brows in confusion, he picked the call he got from an unknown number. As Sameer always does when unknown numbers call him, he maintained his silence and waited for the caller to talk first. That took almost 30 seconds of his time before the caller finally said something.

"Sameer Mustapha Shamaki, you are a funny personality. Your level of trust is so poor that you never talk to strangers first. Funny yet interesting" The caller said chuckling.

If anything, he only made Sameer more confused and anxious because that voice did not sound familiar to him.

"What do you want?" Sameer asked unsure. Unsure of whether he asked the right question or whether he should not have said anything at all.


"Let me rephrase that! Who are you?" Sameer asked again. It mattered more to him to know the caller than to know the purpose of the call. "Like I'll tell" The caller scoffed. "You might later find out who I am but not now. Even if I happen to be the one to tell you myself, it would rather be in person. I love to catch expressions, it is a hobby" The caller said.

Sameer was already having ideas of a scam call and it only added to his annoyance. "Crap!" He sighed trying to end the call. "What's crap is the place you chose to hide Hasna. Come on! Even I could guess. You could have hidden her harder" He said with a chuckle and that got Sameer stopping from what he intended.

"What the hell do you want from me?" Sameer groaned in between gritted teeth as he involuntarily stood up from his bed. "Nothing! I don't make demands but rather...."

"Great, there's a but" Sameer interrupted. "I sense impatience" The caller said and Sameer scoffed.

"But rather, I have something to say to you" The caller added. "Go on! Let me hear you rant about the possibility of impossibilities" Sameer voiced with an eye roll. "I am not gonna rant. As the saying goes: a word is enough for the wise so I shall say one word to you"

"And that word is?" Sameer asked.


That made Sameer speechless as his mind asked yet another thousand questions. Will this day get any worse?

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