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It was almost unbelievable how everything in her life changed in the span of two weeks. Hidaya had been more busy than required because of the nature of her work.

And busy involved how her life at home went on, Aida had been very sick for a week which caused more trouble than required, Hidaya had to quit work for some days to take care of her.

The most annoying part was that the doctors didn't know what exactly was wrong with her, they wanted to settle for malaria but her condition got worse as time moved so they said it was depression.

Hidaya was in the hospital's waiting area taking some rest as the place was uncrowded, when Wahida came. Wahida was so carried away that she didn't notice her there and was about to walk pass her.

"Wahida" Hidaya called her and she turned towards her direction. "Oh Hida, I didn't see you there" Wahida voiced before moving close to where Hidaya sat. "I thought so" Hidaya said as Wahida took a seat beside her.

"How's Aida's health?" She asked "I'll say Alhamdulillah, but I am starting to get scared actually" Hidaya voiced. "It's on your face, you don't look fine yourself" Wahida said.

"Well how will I, I am starting to give up, her health is not improving and also not helping any of us, she has to study and I have to work. That all shouldn't even be of trouble to us, but the fact that even the doctors are not exactly sure of what to say about her condition is overly frustrating and tiring" Hidaya complained. She might have seemed fine but the truth is that she was very scared, she was all she had.

"Hida, she will be fine insha Allah and don't bother about work, you'll catch up. Just stop worrying yourself and have faith in Allah. WAZ Hidas got this" Wahida tried convincing, Hidaya sighed. That wasn't the first time Wahida adviced her but it seemed like every time, the effect of it was reducing.

"I just hope Sameer is not angry with me, I didn't even inform him about the reason of my disappearance"

"About him, he wasn't at work throughout the week too so he wouldn't know" Wahida voiced adjusting her position on the chair.

"Why, what happened?" Hidaya asked, she instantly became concerned. "He went on a trip, with his family" Wahida replied. "Oh okay, I wish them safe journey back" Hidaya prayed. "They came back yesterday, just that he didn't come to work today but the CEO came"

Sometimes, Hidaya used to forget the fact that Sameer's father was gone. She'll always first mistake the CEO for his father before remembering his supposed brother.

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