Chapter 10: Heard about what happened...

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I am on my way home. I noticed all of the missed calls and messages from Uncle Ben and Aunt May. They must be worried. When I finally made it home, I saw Uncle Ben waiting outside the door.

Ben: Y/N...

He didn't look happy.

Y/N: Uncle Ben...

Ben: It's almost 10 pm, where the hell were you?

I didn't know what to say, but they cannot know about my powers.

Y/N: I... was just out, walking around. I had a long day and wanted some time alone to think.

Ben: I heard about what you did, you started a fight at school. You beat up the kid.

Y/N: I didn't start that fight! I was just defending myself...

Ben: Well, you sure as hell ended the fight.

Y/N: What would you want me to do?! Run away? Take the beating?

Ben: No... but you also didn't answer any of our calls. We even contacted your friends, they also heard nothing from you. Your aunt went out to look for you while I wasn't here.

Y/N: She did?

Ben: Go on in there and say sorry, now!

I give up arguing and walk inside. I see Aunt May, worried.

May: Y/N! Are you okay?!

Y/N: I'm fine, May. I'm sorry I made you worried.

May: You don't have to say sorry to me, Y/N...

Ben: Oh the hell he does!

May: Ben, it's fine, I'm a grown woman. I can take care of myself.

Ben: Don't defend what he did!

May: I'm not defending what he did!

Ben: Yes you are!

Ben looks at me and calms down a bit.

Ben: Listen... Y/N, you're changing, you're at that age. Every boy your age goes through the same thing. Hell, I did too.

Y/N: I don't believe that fully...

Ben: My point is, you're starting to become the man that you'll be the rest of your life, you just need to be careful what that is.

He starts thinking.

Ben: The boy you fought, was he the one who got you that cut on your lip?

I slowly nod.

Ben: So maybe he did something to deserve what happened. Just because you can do that to someone, doesn't mean you should. Just remember....

He puts a hand on my shoulder.

Ben: With great power, comes great responsibility.

I think about what he was saying.

Y/N: Do you think I'm just gonna turn into someone who'll just beat people up? That I'll be a bad guy or something?! Stop worrying about me! I know I have a lot going on with me right now, but I'll figure them out, I don't need your lectures making things worse!

Ben: I'm not trying to lecture you, Y/N... really. I know that I'm not your father—


Uncle Ben was shocked about my shouting, Aunt May was covering her mouth. I start storming out of the house.

Ben: Y/N?! Where are you going?! Come back here! Please!

I open the door and slam it shut on the way out. I then start running away. I hear Uncle Ben and Aunt May shouting at me to come back.

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