Chapter 24: Attack the heart...

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May's POV

I am back home. Y/N is out at the moment, but I am about to go to bed. I have a picture of Ben next to me. I start praying.

May: Give us this day of daily breed and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us-

An explosion occurs at my window, I fall down from it. I see the eyes of the Green Goblin looking at me as he's laughing. I am screaming in fear.

May: Deliver us!

Green Goblin: Finish it! Finish it!

May: From evil!

The man continued to laugh.



I rush to the hospital. I find the room where Aunt May is in. She is groaning in pain and fear, I walk in and see the doctors and nurses treating her.

Y/N: Aunt May! Is she gonna be okay? What happened?

Nurse: She's gonna be okay. But you have to leave.

As the nurse walks me to the exit, I hear May talking.

May: Those eyes! Those horrible yellow eyes!

I am shocked to hear those words. The nurse closes the door on me so they could treat her. But those yellow eyes... that must mean one thing only...

Y/N: He knows who I am...


May is asleep on her hospital bed. I am holding her hand. I see three pictures on the desk, a picture of me, her, and Uncle Ben. A picture of my parents and me, and a picture with all five of us. I look at them with tears in my eyes. I then look at May.

Y/N: I'm sorry...


I am still in May's hospital room. I hear the door open, it's MJ and Gwen with flowers.

Y/N: Hey guys.

I hug both of them.

MJ: Hey...

Gwen: Is she gonna be okay?

Y/N: She'll be fine. She's been sleeping all day. Thank you for coming guys.

MJ: Of course.

Gwen: Just wanted to check up on you two, I can't stay here long.

Y/N: Oh, well that's fine.

Gwen gives me her flowers and starts to walk out. She whispers something to MJ before leaving. MJ starts to nod as she leaves. MJ then looks at me.

MJ: Sorry, I feel bad for what happened with May.

Y/N: I appreciate it, but she'll be fine. I'm just glad I'm not losing what I have left of my family.

I say this while looking at the family pictures on the desk.

MJ: Me too...

We then stay silent. But MJ starts talking.

MJ: There's... something I wanna say...

Y/N: Yeah?

MJ: I don't know if now is the appropriate time...

Y/N: Try me. What is it?

MJ: I um...

Her face starts getting red.

MJ: I really enjoyed the other night, when it was just me, you, and Gwen...

Y/N: Same here... I thought it was fun.

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