Chapter 25: Final Showdown

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I slowly wake up to the sounds of cars and horns, I feel strong winds. I get up to see the night sky.

MJ: What the?

I take a few steps and feel myself about to fall, I keep my balance and see where I'm at. I'm on top of a bridge! I quickly look for safe ways to get down. I then see something flying in the distance. It was the Green Goblin on his glider! He flies past me and a cable car. He then uses his glider to shoot a missile to blew up the station that supports the beams of the cable car, causing it to start falling! He grabs the beam to catch the cable car falling and start flying over to me! The cars were also shocked from the explosion, causing them to crash into each other.

Spider-Man's POV

I swing over to the Queensboro bridge. I see explosions.

Spider-Man: What has he done...?

I swing over closer to the bridge, I see Green Goblin holding MJ by the neck with one hand and a beam that's holding up a cable car full of men, women, and children.

Green Goblin: Spider-Man! This is why only fools are heroes. Because you never know when some lunatic will come along with a sadistic choice!

MJ is screaming.

Green Goblin: Let the woman you love die! Or allow every poor person in that car to...

MJ and the people in the cable car are all screaming for my help.

Spider-Man: Don't do it, Goblin!

Green Goblin: What will it be...?

He laughs.

Green Goblin: Y/N... L/N....

MJ gasps and looks at me. I look on in shock as well, doesn't look like the people in the cable car heard him though.

MJ: Y-Y/N... it is you...?

Spider-Man: MJ... I'm so sorry... it's my fault he got to you...

Green Goblin: We are who we choose to be. Now, choose!

Green Goblin let's go of both MJ and the cable car.

Spider-Man: NO!

Everyone is screaming. I quickly dive off the bridge and catch MJ. I quickly swing around the bridge and catch the beam holding the cable car. Since MJ is holding onto me tightly, I use my other hand to shoot webs under the bridge, holding all of us up.

Spider-Man: Hold on!

I look at my webs to see that it's slowly falling off the bridge, it can't handle the weight of the cable car I'm holding. I see Green Goblin looking down at me, growling that I was able to catch both MJ and the car. I then see a barge coming towards us.

Barge Captain: Ahoy up there! We're gonna bring the barge right under you!

I see Green Goblin get back on the glider and starts getting ready to fly to us.

MJ: Y/N! He's coming back!

Spider-Man: MJ! Listen! I need you to climb down!

MJ: I can't!

Spider-Man: Yes, you can!

The webs start disconnecting, causing us to quickly lower. Everyone starts screaming again. My web is barely hanging on under the bridge.

Spider-Man: MJ, you can do it. You have to. Trust me.

MJ looks at me and then at the cable car. She slowly starts to grab the beam.

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