Chapter 22: Hang out

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It was a few hours after the attack at the World Unity Festival. I am texting both MJ and Gwen in our group chat.

Y/N: Are you guys ok? I got out as quick as I could during that attack.

MJ: I was hoping you got out.

Gwen: Yeah, we are fine. Spider-Man saved me.

MJ: Yeah, he was there to save everyone, it was amazing!

I smile.

Y/N: That's so good to hear. I wish I could've been around to take pictures.

Gwen: It would be kinda embarrassing to see myself on the papers lol.

Y/N: How is Harry doing?

MJ: He got hit in the head by one of the bricks from the building. I heard he's recovering at home.

Y/N: Good to hear he's ok.

MJ: I have an idea.

Gwen: What would that be?

MJ: Gwen, remember how we wanted to hang out with Y/N when he lost his uncle? What if we all hang out just to put all these events behind us?

Gwen: I like that.

Y/N: Same here, we can spend some time with each other in Queens. Maybe we can go on some walks and maybe get some pizza after.

MJ: That sounds great!

Gwen: Yeah, where can we all meet?

Y/N: We'll meet at the park.

Gwen: Ok, that sounds good.

MJ: See you guys there!


I am on my way to the park. I am riding my skateboard to get there faster. While I'm on my way, I hear the other people walking talking.

Citizen 1: That festival could've been so much worse!

Citizen 2: Yeah, good thing Spider-Man was there to take care of that attacker on the glider.

Citizen 3: Yeah, Spider-Man is such a cool hero!

I smile and chuckle as I continue riding my skateboard to the park. When I make it there, I see a empty bench. I put my skateboard in my bag and walk over to the bench. I sit down on the bench, waiting for MJ and Gwen to arrive. It doesn't take long until I see MJ walking.

MJ: Hey, Y/N!

Y/N: Hey, MJ.

She sits down next to me on the bench.

Y/N: Where's Gwen? You two are almost always together.

MJ: I assume she's still getting ready or is on her way.

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