Chapter 3: Altercation

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Before I knew it, the schools day was over. I head outside like all of the other students in the school. I then see a big crowd of students. Curious, I walk over. I see Flash, a bully in this school, picking on a random kid with books. Flash starts pushing him.

Flash: Come on! Do something!

I decide to get in front of the crowd.

Y/N: Flash!

Flash stops making fun of the kid and looks at me.

Flash: Y/N.

Y/N: Just stop dude. That ain't cool.

Flash: Oh? You wanna step up for this kid?

Y/N: Just back off!

Flash: Okay...

Flash stops messing with the kid and walks towards me.

Flash: You'll take his place!

He then punches me across the face. He then knees me in the gut, and punches me across the face again. I fall on the ground. I can see MJ and Gwen running towards the crowd.

MJ: Hey! Leave him alone!

Gwen: Flash! Is this really necessary?!

Flash gets on top of me and starts punching me, I try my best to block the punches. Gwen walks to to Flash.

Gwen: FLASH!!!

Flash gets off of me. Gwen shows him her phone.

Gwen: I got everything on my phone! I recommend walking away, before I get you into big trouble!

Flash glares then walks away. The crowd walks away. MJ runs up to me.

MJ: Y/N! Are you okay?!

MJ helps me up. I wipe off the blood from my lip.

Y/N: I'll be fine...

Gwen walks over to us.

Gwen: I got Flash taken cared of. How are you feeling?

Y/N: He only cut my lip. Nothing bad.

Both MJ and Gwen look at my lip.

MJ: Can't believe he did that!

Gwen: You stood up to him. That's tough.

Y/N: Thanks, girls.

MJ: We should get out of here.

Gwen: Yeah, we should all go home.

Y/N: Yeah, I agree.

We all walk away from the school. I get on my skateboard and skate away.

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