Chapter 19: Showing the pictures

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I hear my alarm go off. I open my eyes and turn off the alarm. I get up and head to the bathroom. I quickly brush my teeth and I head back to my room. I find some clothes in my closet and put them on. I see my Spider-Man pictures on my desk, I grab them.

Y/N: Don't want to forget these.

I walk downstairs. I don't see Aunt May down here, she's most likely sleeping.

Y/N: May...

I can't help but feel bad. She's been so down ever since Uncle Ben's death. She can't get any good sleep. I hope things get better for her soon. Just in case she panics about me not being home, I decide to write a note that I'm heading to the Daily Bugle.

Y/N: I should eat something.

I decide to find a snack to eat, I didn't feel like eating breakfast. I grab a candy bar and head out the door with my pictures. As I'm walking to the Daily Bugle, I hear people nearby talking about Spider-Man.

Citizen 1: Yo! I heard about that Spider-Man dude!

Citizen 2: Yeah! He was stopping crime left and right! I saw him save some dude from getting run over!

Citizen 3: I saw him fighting bad guys! This man is a hero!

I can't help but smile to myself as I hear good things about me. As I continue to walk to the Daily Bugle, I feel my phone buzzing in my pocket. I take my phone out of my pocket to see that MJ is calling me. I answer the phone and put it on my ear.

Y/N: Hello?

MJ: Hi, Y/N!

Y/N: Hey, MJ.

MJ: What are you doing?

Y/N: I'm on my way to the Daily Bugle. Hoping to become a photographer.

MJ: Oh? I hope you get it!

Y/N: I'm positive that things will go my way. What's up with you?

MJ: Well... I told Gwen that you said yes to a hang out.

Y/N: What did she say?

MJ: That she can't wait. We still need to find a good day to do it.

Y/N: Yeah, we'll figure it out.

MJ: Ummm... So how are you going to get your job? Do you have a interview?

Y/N: No. Can you keep a secret?

MJ: Sure! What is it?

I find a nearby bench and sit down. I take the pictures of me as Spider-Man out and I use my phone to take a pictures of them. I then send the pictures to MJ.

Y/N: I'll be showing them these pictures.

MJ: Spider-Man?! You took these photos?!

Y/N: Yep.

MJ: Do you know Spider-Man?!

Y/N: Maybe...

She can't know that I'm Spider-Man.

MJ: That's so awesome! What's he like?

Y/N: He's just a man who wants to help out others. To me, he's a hero.

MJ: I hope I can meet him someday.

I chuckle.

Y/N: Well, I'm going to hopefully get the job, I'll talk to you later, okay?

MJ: Okay! Goodbye Y/N!

Y/N: Goodbye MJ.

I hang up the phone. I see the Daily Bugle building. I walk inside. I see a bunch of workers working on newspapers. Someone inside sees me and walks towards me.

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