26."Take care of my boy"

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They said Thomas Shelby never deserved to be happy.They were wrong,he deserved his share of happiness but it wasn't long until it was taken away from him

Y/n was the light to his life

They got married and had a son named Charlie,a one year old boy,his features just like his fathers,eyes like crystals

Y/n was always mesmerised by his fathers eyes and she was so happy when she saw their son had those eyes too.She told tommy and his heart melted with her words

But good things don't stay for long

....y/n was dying

Cancer was taking her life.She used to try her best to keep a brave face on and smile all the time but late at night she used to cough up blood from her mouth

Tommy was falling in a deep pit of darkness because he knew y/n wasn't going to be with him for long.

She used to catch tommy crying sometimes,alone in his office downstairs late at night.She would kiss his lips with love and compassion and even during her last days she would kiss him whenever he would feel sad.

She would hug him,touch his cheeks with her weak hands.Tommy did everything to save her.Tommy took her to the most expensive and best hospitals and did the best treatment but it wasn't enough

It was in her destiny now,to die

It was late at night,rain poured outside heavily.All the housemaids were gathered around y/n who was on the bed,helping her taking care of her

Tommy walked in,the maids all looked at him and then decided to leave to give them privacy.Y/n had her eyes close but she could sense his presence

The door closed and Tommy walked towards her and sat beside her bed on the chair.

"Tommy?"she opened her eyes,he bent forward and took her hand in his own

"Yes love?"he said weakly,his voice sounding broken.Y/n moved slightly and sat up.Tommy tried to stop her but then helped her sit up

Y/n smiled sadly at him,Tommy couldn't remove his eyes from her.She was so beautiful,her silk like hair were falling on her shoulder,her lips were still pink,Tommy remembered how much he loved to kiss her

Back when they were newly married,Tommy would come back from home late at night.Y/n would be waiting for him standing against the wall with a smirk on her face

Tommy would smile and would walk up to her and kiss her lips feeling relaxed and needed from her touch

"Can I say something to you?"she said weakly

"Anything love"he tried to smile but failed.Y/n closed her eyes and sighed weakly

"I know my time is coming tommy"he looked up at her not wanting her to say anything like that

"Don't say that"Tommy said but she shook her head softly

"I know I'm going to die Tommy.Thats why I need to ask for a favour...that when I leave,I want you to do everything in your power to protect Charlie.I know he will ask for me tommy.......and that when he does,I want you to say that I'm still there"her voice broke.

Tommy felt tears brim in the corner of her eyes but he kept his gaze at her listening to what she had to say

"Because I will be.There's no way in hell I'm leaving the man I love and the child that belongs to us"she smiled

"I know you'll be sad"

The shovel dig deep in the ground.Women of the family stood in black net veils around her grave.Men all stood with their heads bowing down

"I know you'll need me"

Tommy kept his eyes down on her grave,his soul burning deep inside.He always knew he would be the first one to die and he knew he would never let his wife go

But it happened

"I know that late at night you'll be fighting with your thoughts tommy"

Polly prayed standing by her grave with a necklace Tommy gifted her in her hand.She kissed the jewel and threw it in the grave and Tommy simply watched

"And when you feel like that Tommy,I want you to call my name.I want you to say my name and-"y/n sobbed.Tommy pushed himself forward and hugged her hands leaning his forehead on hers

"And I'll come Tommy.I'll always come"

Tommy picked his son up in his hands,Charlie didn't know what was happening but the boy was sad because he could sense that his mother was not here

Tommy took Charlie back inside the house without looking back again.

That night he sat by the fireplace with Charlie in his lap.He was fiddling with his fathers shirt and was babbling his mothers name

"Mama!"charlie sat up suddenly,Tommy looked down when his attention was diverted to his son.

"Mama"Charlie babbled again.Tommy sighed tiredly

"It's alright Charlie.It's alright boy"Tommy said and brushed his sons hair with his hand.Charlie didn't say anything else and leaned back to his fathers chest

Tommy sat there near the fire for hours,his son was already asleep.Tommy got up and walked upstairs to put Charlie in his bed.

He grabbed a bottle of whiskey and walked back downstairs sitting back on the chair.

Tommy leaned his head back and closed his eyes,the emptiness hit him all at once.His mind started to run again and again with dark thoughts

"And when you feel like that Tommy,I want you to call my name"y/n's voice roamed in his head.He opened his eyes and parted his lips

"......y/n"he said

It was silent.He couldn't even hear the crackling of the fire.He couldn't hear the ticking of the big clock he had in the lobby

It all went silent

And just when it was quiet,he heard footsteps beside him.Tommy's eyes followed the sound only to see a white figure,white halo of light surrounding it

When he looked closely,he saw her face,smiling softly,arms open welcoming him.Tommy stood up from his chair,shocked and in awe.

"Hello Tommy"she smiled and walked closer to him.Her figure started to become normal,like she was actually standing in front of him

He wasn't imagining this because it was real

"Y/n"he mumbled her name.She smiled and took his hands in her own

"I told you I'd come Tommy.I was never going to leave you and our son"

"I'll be with you forever my love"

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