102."Please please wake up"

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Her ears were ringing with this loud sound of bombs exploding,bullets being shot.Y/n ran with all the power she had.Her feet were paining,her toes were bleeding in pain,skin burnt and bruised  everywhere,her soft eyes were red with fear and tears

All she wanted was to hug him tightly.Y/n held tight to her gun and ran through the streets as fast as she could.

"Fuck fuck fuck"she whispered breathlessly running faster when she saw Tommy and Arthur face to face with the Italian mafia ready for combat.

She held her gun up ready to shoot but the fire had already started.Tommy took the first shot at Luca hitting his leg.Luca fell back and Tommy hit his hitmen next.

Arthur took cover and grabbed his machine gun shouting like a madman shooting anyone who comes in front of him

"Let the devil come fucking out!!"he shouted.Tommy reloaded his gun taking cover behind a sack of hay.

Y/n was very close to them but her way was stopped by Luca's hitmen blocking her.She shot a bullet at each hitting the middle of their forehead

Her throat was grabbed all of a sudden and she was pushed against the dirty brick wall.She looked down to see a filthy looking man holding her by her throat

Y/n hissed through her teeth when she felt his nails digging deep in her skin.She cursed under her breath and hit his chest with her knee and shot his head

She coughed loudly feeling dizzy all of a sudden.

"Tommy"she said breathlessly.Tommy while loading was grabbed from his shoulder by Luca.Tommy hit his elbow at his nose breaking it in two.

He then hit his knee making him fall back again.Tommy grabbed Arthur who was on the ground after being tackled by a hit man

"Be with me brother!!"he shouted hitting his shoulder after picking him up.

She saw Luca getting back up and aiming his gun at Tommy's head.Y/n jumped and kicked his back with her leg making Luca fall on the sack of hay and hit his forehead with her gun making him fall down

"Tommy!"she shouted

"What the fuck are you doing here?!What the fuck y/n?!!!"he shouted.Y/n shook her head feeling tears brim in her eyes.

"You're fucking nuts that you think you can just leave me there locked up in the fucking house!Im stronger than you!Fucking stronger!!"

"Yeah yeah I know...I know"he said breathlessly cupping her cheeks with his bloody hands.Y/n felt a tear drop from her eyes as she looked into his blue eyes

It was surprising to see it was such a peaceful thing to see in the midst of the chaos

But their was sudden change on his face

Something horrifying

Something that isn't supposed to happen

It was Luca getting back up and aiming at y/n's back.Tommy in his first instinct grabbed her and pushed her out of the way.

The shot echoed through the whole town and all sounds went silent.Tommy's eyes went wide and so did hers

The two stared into each others eyes.Tommy looked down and so did she.

The bullet hit him.

"No..no.."she whispered.Y/n's eyes were wide with shock.Her heart dropped deep in her stomach,it was the most horrifying feeling of darkness taking over her watching him drop down

She screamed loudly turning around aiming her gun at Luca and two Loud shots were heard.One that hit Luca and one that hit her

Except it hit him in the head

And her on the shoulder

Y/n stood silently there in shock.She turned her head slowly not wanting to see it.Not wanting to see the thing she was sure she would see

Tommy's softly breathing body down on the ground.

"No..no."she whispered falling on her knees.She held his head with her bloody hands and put it on her lap.

Her eyes blurred her vision with hot tears.Tommy's blue beautiful eyes staring into her own,blood pooling around him

"Tommy...Tommy you're not going to go right?You-you said you y-you promised m-me right?"she miserably asked

"Y/n.."he whispered faintly.Her heart crushed with his faint sound.The feeling was unimaginable.She felt her face twitch and a sob came out of her lips

"You're n-not yo-you can't Tommy you promised!!"she shouted trying to shake him to stop him from closing his eyes

"Come here"he said faintly.Arthur who was on the ground with blood covering his body watched them with teary eyes

She leaned in closer to him leaning her forehead on his own.Her tears dropped on his cheeks making his pain fade away

"You remember what I used to-to say to you as a kid?Hm?"he closed her eyes enjoying her soft scent for his last breaths

"I used to say "Like the sun doesn't leave the sky even if-

"There's darkness"she replied

"The same way I won't ever leave you"the two said together.Y/n let out sobs her body shaking uncontrollably

"Yeah....yeah"he said smiling just a little.Y/n held his cheeks stroking them for the last time

Before a white light took over his vision taking him away.Y/n grabbed his shirt tightly in her fists

"Why us Tommy?Why?"

"WHY?!!!!!!!!!"she shouted sobbing loudly.

"TOMMY!!I NEED YOU PLEASE YOU PROMISED!!!PLEASE-please please please come b-back"she cried loudly shaking with sadness

Arthur grabbed y/n holding her to him.She didn't want to leave Tommy and shouted as much as she could

"I don't want to leave him!!!I DONT WANT TO!!WAKE UP PLEASE WAKE UP TOMMY WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!"she shouted hoarsely.

But he won't wake up.Death took him.And because he found a woman like y/n in his last few years of his life

He got himself into heaven before he could actually go there

Because she was his only god

His only religion

There was nothing he had ever wanted ever than her

And he would wait until she comes to meet him there.

He'd wait

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