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"This is a two faced world
If you ever look alone at the moon
You should know
Someone else is looking at it too"

I'm sure this world is done with me

Hey lord you know it's true

This world was not an easy place to live in.It was torturing him,eating him inside out.All Tommy could do

Was suffer through it

He was so tired of it

But lord shows light to every child of his own.He showed it to him too.In a human form

As a woman

A woman who managed to take all his worries away.The thought of her used to blurry every single thing that existed in his life.She was the medicine to his wounds

The drug to his high

The wind that went through his hair,his skin.

The cold chilly air

The warm summer breeze

She was it all.When she smiled Tommy felt all his worries would fade away in a quick second.Her actions,her words.They were all lords blessings to him

He felt like he was in a church

Walking closer

And closer to the place he wanted to be the most.Heaven.And she stood there with open arms on the step welcoming him with a soft smile

Whispering soft nothings into his ears.Kissing his skin,his freckles,every inch of his face.When she would reach his beautiful lips

Utter sweetness of her lips used to melt him.The way her fingers grazed the back of his head,the way they entangled them in his hair.

For years he had lived in a shadow,for years he had tried to go through this alone.He knew he could but he was lying to himself

Because he didn't realise that until she came.The moments of bliss that he missed during those painful years,she was it all

The stubborn sun shining through the curtains that wakes one up in the morning.The warm fire keeping one from coldness of this universe.He was the muddy soil in which her beautiful lotus glows.He was the roaring water and she was the soft flow that calms it down

Believe it or not

Love felt like it was all he needed with life

It was his true goal


I know there's not a story to this imagine,but this is the way I describe a loved one to be for a person who is going through a lot

And if you are too

Just know there's someone there for you too that'll make you smile

And if not...

Then what am I here for?

Thomas Shelby imagines-a new chapter Where stories live. Discover now