29."Ill win you back love"

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Rain poured softly outside,just drizzled from the sky.Y/n sat outside her house,on the concrete step just thinking of her love Thomas Shelby

He had just left her a few years back.Left to go back to his hometown and ever since she has never learned to love another man

Tonight it was really hitting her,tonight was the night they first met,the night when he also gifted y/n a necklace

She had removed it from her neck years ago but she never had the courage to throw it.It was like a legacy of the time they spent together

So she sat there,with the silver pendant in her hand and looked up at the sky with sad eyes that glistened in the yellow light of the lamp outside her house

Thunder clapped loudly,y/n looked up and saw a figure of a man coming out of his car that was now parked on her driveway

The figure walked slowly to her but his face came in her sight

"Tommy?"she stood up,his hair,clothes they were all drenched in the rain.

"Why are you here?"anger boiled up in her yet she still asked calmly

"I just need to talk love,needed to see you"he approached her with caution because he didn't want to startle her or do anything to make her feel uncomfortable

She sighed and brought her hand forward

"Come in the shed,you're fucking drenched"she said and Tommy walked closer under the shed and stood in front of her

For a minute she stared at him with an unreadable expression.He didn't say anything too

She slapped him on his face suddenly,he didn't flinch and raised his eyebrows

"I deserved that"he cleared his throat

"You come here after what four fucking years and you still think I would be here to 'talk' to you after what you fucking did to me!You fucking ran out tommy!"

"I know alright!I know and that was the biggest fucking mistake of my life!I fucked up y/n and giving you up is my biggest mistake...and my biggest regret"he said with pain in his voice

Words are believed to be true when a person speaks them with love and pain.He did the same and she knew he wasn't lying

Y/n scoffed looking away from him and sitting down on the step.She held her head in her hands and Tommy kneeled down to her level

"You know what the worst thing is?"she looked back into his eyes and took a small glance to his lips

"The worst thing is that I still fucking love you Thomas Shelby"

"And I curse myself for it.Because I can't love you.....not again.It will ruin my life"she said sadly.Tommy leaned forward placing  his lips on hers in a passionate act of his love

He simply brushed his lips against her and closed his eyes because what he would say would be coming from his soul and he knew he would do anything to have her back

"I know love.....but don't worry"

"Ill win you back again love"

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