🥀id need you there🥀

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"I think I might know who hurt Felix" he insisted, trying to walk away, but Minho held him there.

"Why didn't you tell me you knew my brother?"

"Because I thought that maybe you wouldn't want to talk about it, it's all everyone ever says to you so...thought maybe it would change your mind at least for a bit"

"It did I guess...how did you know him?"

"We met a while back but we never showed our friendship inside of the school wall. He always told me it was because he was too shy but I think it's because he didn't want the bullying to be passed down to me..." Jisung explained briefly.

"Do you miss him too then? Does it hurt when you say his name? Does your throat soak up in tears when you think about him all alone...?"

"Every day..." Jisung felt tears sting into his eyes and so did Minho. They both looked in each's souls and felt the pain they shared.

"So it's settled, we're finding whoever caused this, until they pay for what they did"

"Until those fuckers rot in jail." Jisung clenched his teeth and they both shook on it.

"So who's our first suspect?"

"More like three..." Jisung smirked and they both looked at the school in the distance.


Minho walked in the cafeteria along with Jisung by his side, walking with purpose towards the older's table.

"Hyunjin, I need info"

The younger looked up and said goodbye to his friends before getting up and whispering to him.

"Who do you need?" He didn't even question it, he went straight to the point.

"The names are changbin, Jeongin and seungmin"

"The stoner, the nerd and the book worm...they'll be on the roof top"

"I owe you one" Minho didn't say another word and they both headed to the stairs, climbing them as adrenaline pumped their veines.

Jisung had no clue what Minho was planning to do with this information, but he was going to have to trust him.

The older one kicked the door opened and three guys jumped up from their seats.

"You three have for some answering to do" he said sinisterly and walked towards changbin, who just stood there while the other two backed away.

He grabbed the shortest one by the collar and sent him to the floor, putting a knee on his neck. The other one was fighting but it was no use.

"Tell me what you know about Felix." He pressed harder.

"Leave him alone!" Jeongin tried to walk but Jisung got between them.

"Stay put or you're next."

"Y-you mean the blond kid that ki-"

"Yes, did you do anything to him?" He was so calm, but it made it even scarier.

"W-What the hell man, I never even spoke to the kid!" Changbin spat out, trying to get the knee off his neck. He then glanced at Jeongin and Minho smiled.

"Alright then, maybe if I do this" he got up and grabbed Jeongin by the shirt and dragged him to the very edge of the roof, holding him over it.


"Then tell me the truth!"

"I Heard you speaking of something in the bathroom, all three of you. You said the police was after you" Jisung intervened.

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