🥀Reminds me of you🥀

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Jisung woke up with a headache again, his head pounding so hard that it felt like wind was blowing into his ears.

He covered them and looked around.

He was in his house, the ceiling being the same as the one he stared at when he couldn't fall asleep. He went on his phone for a bit, seing he had no shift that day.

He didn't remember much, all he could recall was the ride home and the early parts of the evening, but that was about it for him.

He dialled a number and put the phone to his ear slowly, feeling his entire head ring.

After a while it went to voicemail and the beeping sound meant he had to leave a message.

"Hey Minho, I just woke up and I've got this horrible headache...I was wondering if we could hang out today, just the two of us. I don't remember much from last night but I was thinking you could fil me in on what I missed" he smiled and sighed slowly.

"Anyway, call me back" he hung up.


Minho watched his phone in horror, not even daring to touch it. He stared at it as he heard the message over and over again.

He had ignored the call, knowing Jisung would tell he was uncomfortable. He didn't want to ignore him, Minho wanted nothing more then to run to him.

"You should answer him" a voice came from behind him, but he stayed focused on the phone.

"I cant...he'll make me do things I'll regret" he turned and looked at the beautiful boy in his bed, his skin looked like it was made from porcelain and his curves were to die for.

"But you do seem to care about him..." the boy got dressed, getting off the bed and walking towards him.

"I do. I really do but, it's complicated" Minho groaned and ruffled his hair, tensing.

"Think about what you have to lose. Is it your dignity? Self respect? Or even him?"

"I don't know..." he said shortly and lowered his head.

"Figure yourself out before calling him, ask yourself these questions"

"You're too wise, how did you get in my bed again?"

"You called me at around 4 am panicked...said you wanted someone to cuddle" the unknown boy said, he had seen him before, he had even noted down his number.

"I'm so sorry for the trouble...I didn't mean to drag you into this"

"Don't worry, you were quite cute" he put his coat on and glanced at Minho one last time.

"Don't leave him hanging, pass a good day Min"

"You too..." he left and now he was alone again the emptiness in his stomach digging at him.

He would have to answer one day...

One day.


.2 days later.

"Hey, it's me again, I was just wondering if you want to do something today...I-I know I'm annoying and you must be busy but...call me when you're free okay?"


.3 days later.

"Hi! It's been a while, im starting to think you're not getting these. Call me please"


.2 days later.

"Are you ignoring me...? Sorry that's a bit direct I just...I'm worried about you, could you at least answer one second? Let me know you're ok...? I-I'll stop after that I swear...call me"


.1 days later.

He kept ignoring the calls but kept them in his unread messages to hear them over and over again. He didn't want to rush things, he didn't want to hurt Jisung again by rushing things.

He knew Jisung deserved answers for this but he couldn't give him a defined answer for why he'd been distant.

The phone rang again to his surprise and he watched it ring three times before it went to the voice message.

"Minho i...i think I need help..." he sounded like he was barely breathing, like if he was about to fall heavily.

His eyes narrowed to the phone and he immediately picked it up.

"Jisung?" He said with concern an jisung let out a sound of distress.

"I went to the bar alone but I...I don't feel so good, I think someone put something in my drink and now I...I'm not doing well" he tried his best to speak.

"Tell me where you are, I'm coming to pick you up."

"On the street in from of a bar...Sainte-Catherine is the street name...I-" he coughed loudly and his back fell to the wall behind him.

"I'm coming right now okay? You're alright, I've got you"


Jisung closed his eyes and hung up the phone, leaning on the bare amount of energy he had left to stay awake. He felt his whole body burn and the inside of his mind freeze, not to mention that he was trembling.

After a few minutes a silhouette could be seen close to him but he didn't have the time to see what happened or who it was before collapsing in someone's arms.

All he could do was be helplessly carried to a car and sleep into the back seat, hearing faded car horns and lights outside passing by him. It was moving so fast that he couldn't keep up, his mind going strange places, he still felt so warm.

When he woke up he was in his house, trembling in his bed and trying to find something to grab onto. He reached and caught a hand, so he opened his eyes but his body wouldn't move like he wanted to.

"Hey calm down, you're safe now" Minho had fallen asleep next to him, holding his hand.

"What...happened?" He looked around confused, all of a sudden his memory felt lost and distant.

"You were drugged at a bar...I caught you as you were falling...do you know what they gave you?"

"I'm guessing it's a mix...their a sleeping medication with...something else..." Jisung managed to sit up and bring his head to stop pounding.

"What else could it be? And how could you possibly know?" Minho helped him, but Jisung froze and took the covers off his body, his whole entire system was boiling hot and craving something.

"It's eh...complicated" he put a pillow on his lap without Minho noticing and tried to hide his blushed face.

"Tell me..." Minho reached to lay a hand on his thigh calmly but Jisung panicked.

"Mmh-" he put a hand on his mouth but the sound had already come out and it was now bluntly obvious what he was given.

"Jisung...could it have been viagra?"

The younger one looked at him with painful eyes, nodding and taking the pillow away from his lap and stuttering out a wince.

"Fuck" he threw his head back and Minho watched how hard he was, how red and blushing his cheeks were, how drool was practically dripping down his mouth. "It hurts Minho" Jisung was throbbing, agitated.

Minho placed a hand on Jisung's forehead and felt it heat up.

"Your temperature is really high, I'll go and get-"

"Don't go! P-please..." he held his hand and pulled him closer. Minho hesitated before sitting back down on the bed.

"How can I help?"

"Stay by my side...just-...sleep here, next to me"

Sleeping in the same bed as his ex who is on a shit tone of hormones pills and that he tried to ignore for a werk.

What could go wrong?

Faded cries | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now