🥀are missing you🥀

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Jisung came back home, never had he been so shaky in a long time. He had come back late, after all he wanted to calm down before he could show his kid he was miserable.

Turning Minho away must have been the hardest thing, he wished he could go back and talk to him, tell him about his day, but he'd fall backward if he did. He had worked so hard to achieve everything, to get his dreams, now he had them.

Minho would ruin his life if he did.

So he kept quiet and snuck into bed, watching his wedding ring in the dimmed lights and the person in bed next to him. Kate turned around slowly and looked over at him with the same eyes she always did.

She opened her arms, like a poisonous snake waiting for a pray.

"You seem tense" she said briefly.

"Though day at work..."

"A patient giving you trouble?"

"Yeah you could say that...plus he has to come back to get his medication tomorrow..." Jisung hid his face deep into the covers, exhaling into them slowly.

"I'm sure it'll get better" she stroked his hair a few times, he did admit it felt good. Him and his wife didn't especially get along, even though  he forced himself to push that down.

"Mmh" was all he answered before trying to sleep, but he couldn't, he knew he wasn't able to.

So he stayed in bed, watching the stars shift into the sky and the bright light stars to shine over him again. It was painful to watch, like seing his life flash before his eyes even though it was going painfully slowly.

He managed to actually fall asleep, Minho being in his mind the whole time, analyzing his new features and expressions, the way his lips curved to smile, the way his eyes were bright and joyful.

So he slept.


Minho walked back to his work and went up to his bodyguard.

"No one goes in my room tonight, lock the area."

"Sir their is already someone there, he says it's important"

"I don't care, turn him away." Minho roughly said and walked towards the elevator, reaching the top floor and seing someone talking with some bodyguards. He was expecting a young girl or some adventurous boys, but instead he found a loud obnoxious man arguing with his agents.

A smile was brought to his lips when he saw the tip of his golden hair.

"Let him in boys, he is always welcomed here" the men stepped aside and walked away, leaving the two old friends alone again.

"I see you're doing pretty well for yourself" Hyunjin smirked and walked towards him. Minho opened his arms and braced him for a hug.

"I've missed you..."

"I have too, and now that you're back in town I'm not letting you go" he said smiling and Minho smiled back, holding him tighter.

"Well go ahead, tell me everything that happened since I last saw you" he didn't stop talking, the whole night they spent drinking and talking about their lives now and who they saw.

"So, have you spoken to anyone from high school?" He asked the question for a very specific reason.

"Not really recently no, the only person I've been seing is seungmin, we live close by so we hang out every week...apart from that I heard that Jeongin and Chan got married"

"No way...M. Bang?"

"Yeah apparently it wasn't just a silly crush or anything, they were dead serious. They look happy so, I don't really mind it, besides you should have seen his smile..."

"Was it though? Did anyone oppose to it?" He knew that where they lived it wasn't the best viewed.

"A few but, overall they seem to be doing amazing nonetheless." Hyunjin raised his shoulders and took another sip from his drink.

"I...I was wondering if you've talked or seen Jisung recently..." he said and the room seemed to shift slightly, Hyunjin tilted his head to the side and smirk with the bottle at his lips.

"Why do you ask?"

"I saw him yesterday, he seemed tired and he's quite frankly really mad at me..."

"I thought you two broke it off mutually?"

"We did but I guess...he took it personal"

"I'm sorry to hear that man, I know how much he meant to you."

"Why does everyone keep saying that...?" Minho mumbled to himself under his breath and drank some more. 

"Where'd you see him anyway? It's a big town so what are the odds?"

"He's my doctor...I needed a refill and turns out he was the one to attend me...but he wasn't himself, he was so cold"

"I mean, people change right? Maybe it just wasn't his day"

"Maybe...I just wanted to have a talk with him, that's all."

"Right, are you sure about that?" Hyunjin raised a brow and still had that in washable smirk on his lips.

"Yes. Besides, he had a wedding ring...do you know the guy he's with?"

"No, I don't have a clue about what he's been up to, he's the one I now least about"

Minho nodded and they kept on talking the whole night, random subjects being thrown and different strange topics added as well.

Once it was late, Hyunjin grabbed his things and gave him a quick smile.

"Expect a lot of visits from me, I'm catching up to all that time you were away in that ice cube of a country"

Minho chuckled and grabbed the flowers he had bought a few hours before.

"I'll gladly have you over every day if you want, their is too much to talk about, now I've got to go pay a visit to my brother" he looked at the flowers and smiled, Hyunjin giving the expression back.

"It's been a while huh?"

"Yeah it's been a very long time, I figured I owe him this much"

"Mmh, say hi to him for me"

"I will" he smiled widely and they both left in the dark blue sky, the stars shining down on them more then they normally did.

He walked up to the graveyard, so many passing in his mind with every step. Their was nobody in sight, so he brought the flowers to his face and smelled them quickly before lowering it, but even he did he saw someone in front of a tomb stone, whispering small things.

He stopped when he saw what stone had the name engraved on it, someone was in front of Felix's. He walked towards him and the silhouette in the dark night became clearer now more then ever.

Jisung was looking out in front of him, lowering his back to lay flowers on the cold and old stone.

Minho approached and caught his attention, both of them now looking at each other shocked in the moon light.

"This is going to be complicated..." Minho groaned under his breath.

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